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Re: Topband:

Subject: Re: Topband:
From: uy0zg via Topband <>
Reply-to: uy0zg <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 23:25:35 +0200
List-post: <>
Of course, the development of technological progress is necessary and interesting. But there is one thing..... - you cannot use progress to destroy what thousands of radio amateurs spent their lives on. Do you understand what I'm talking about ?
Nick, UY0ZG

Jim Brown писал(а) 2024-02-19 23:11:
Also totally false assumptions about digital modes, including FT8. The modes invented by Nobel laureate K1JT, and expanded on by the team responsible for WSJT-X software, are widely used on VHF and UHF for moonbounce with the same sort of arrays used in the past with CW, providing about 10 dB signal to noise advantage. Likewise for meteor scatter. On 6M, I use FT8 extensively for weak signal ionospheric propagation, and MSK144 for meteor scatter.
During the most recent solar minimum, I used FT8 extensively for a 
couple of seasons to extend my country count by about 1,000 miles on 
topband. Thanks to the drastic intrusion of electronically generated 
noise over the last decade, I've heard only about eight EU stations on 
CW in the past 7-8 seasons, and only two have heard me. When I first 
moved to Northern California in 2006, I could work EU a few nights a 
year, and with the same TX and RX antennas that I still have.
What makes my path to EU so difficult is that it's both long and 
through so much of the polar region. It is FAR easier for me to work AF 
on topband (when there are stations there to work), even much longer 
distances, like ZS.
73, Jim K9YC

On 2/19/2024 12:42 PM, uy0zg via Topband wrote:
So this is exactly where I started the topic - soon heaven will come on earth :-))))
In the future, there may be no need to build antennas at all...

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