Amps Mailing List (date)
April 30, 2001
- [AMPS] WTB: AM6155 Amplifier, Stock or Modified, Robin E. Midgett, 23:44
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament Circuit, Tom Rauch, 21:33
- [AMPS] FS: Coax Connectors, Radio WC6W, 21:28
- [AMPS] FS: Fans, Radio WC6W, 21:24
- [AMPS] FS: Power Resistors, Radio WC6W, 21:07
- [AMPS] FS: Heathkit Cantenna, Radio WC6W, 21:04
- [AMPS] FS: Eimac and other large tubes, Radio WC6W, 20:33
- [AMPS] re: Dayton Blower 4C005, Paul Kiesel, 19:47
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament Circuit, Phil Clements, 17:49
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament Circuit, KD4LYH, 14:46
- [AMPS] 3CX3000A7 and parts FS, Patrick Barkey, 11:15
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Paul Ferguson, 10:45
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 10:12
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Paul Ferguson, 08:50
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 07:50
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 07:50
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Peter Chadwick, 02:29
April 29, 2001
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament question, Tom Rauch, 23:11
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Jon Ogden, 22:22
- [AMPS] Need Dayton 4C005 Blower Spec, Terry Gaiser, 21:42
- [AMPS] Need Dayton 4C005 Blower Spec, Paul Kiesel, 21:12
- [AMPS] test, KB7WW Art Moe, 15:05
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament question, Norman Hockler, 14:50
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 10:20
- [AMPS] GU46 tube amp, yo9fzs, 07:00
April 28, 2001
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, William Fuqua, 19:29
- [AMPS] test?, carl seyersdahl, 14:51
- [AMPS] SELL:Assorted AmpDeckComponents,, 13:15
- [AMPS] Test, chuck, 10:35
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, measures, 00:21
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 00:21
April 27, 2001
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament question, Phil Clements, 23:55
- [AMPS] YC-156 Cathode/Filament question, KD4LYH, 21:46
- [AMPS] Test, KD4LYH, 21:36
- [AMPS] Test, KD4LYH, 21:27
- [AMPS] Dentron Clipperton L, Monty Taylor, 20:36
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, Tom Rauch, 14:28
- [AMPS] incredimail, Bill Aycock, 13:48
- [AMPS] Henry 5K, Dennis Watkins, 13:20
- [AMPS] test, carl seyersdahl, 12:02
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, William Fuqua, 10:40
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, measures, 10:04
- [AMPS] test, carl seyersdahl, 09:50
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 09:37
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 09:30
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, measures, 08:32
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, measures, 08:32
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 07:50
- [AMPS] Re: Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 07:44
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 01:29
April 26, 2001
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Phil (VA3UX), 23:02
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 22:39
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Phil (VA3UX), 22:28
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, Lamb, 22:24
- [AMPS] Triton - Glass tubes ??, Phil (VA3UX), 21:39
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp, Terry Gaiser, 21:11
- [AMPS] test, carl seyersdahl, 19:29
- [AMPS] Buffer/Driver Stage for 4-1000 Amp,, 19:23
- [AMPS] triple and dual 4cx250 circuits,, 00:17
April 25, 2001
- [AMPS] 4-400 replacement, John T. M. Lyles, 20:45
- [AMPS] A trip to Svetlana, CT HRD, 19:44
- [AMPS] 4-400 replacement, measures, 19:34
- [AMPS] 4-400 replacement, John T. M. Lyles, 16:06
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Tom Rauch, 15:28
- Fwd: RE: [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 15:28
- Fwd: RE: [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, William Fuqua, 13:04
- [AMPS] RF Ammeter, Byron Tatum, 11:13
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Peter Chadwick, 10:15
- [AMPS] meter for Dentron..., measures, 09:32
- [AMPS] Plate Impedance, measures, 09:27
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 09:27
- [AMPS] meter for Dentron..., Ron D. Rossi, 09:21
- [AMPS] Plate Impedance, Firson Maryutenli, 06:51
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Peter Chadwick, 06:48
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Maurizio Panicara, 06:37
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Peter Chadwick, 03:42
April 24, 2001
- [AMPS] Zener Diodes, Alek Petkovic, 19:54
- [AMPS] CAI HV supply, Byron Tatum, 17:20
- [AMPS] Older Filament Transformers- Tube Transmitters, Byron Tatum, 16:33
- [AMPS] 4CX350A (3 - 4CX250R's in parallel), KB6LWN - Bruce, 15:44
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, < (Michael Tope), 10:35
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 09:51
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 09:46
- [AMPS] Re: 4CX350A,, 01:32
April 23, 2001
- [AMPS] 4CX250 and 4CX350 Amplifiers,, 23:46
- [AMPS] Cardwell-Multronics,, 23:34
- [AMPS] Dentron 10-160L replacement xformer woes...,, 16:50
- [AMPS] new to Amps, measures, 16:07
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 16:06
- [AMPS] Dentron 10-160L replacement xformer woes..., Phil Clements, 15:31
- [AMPS] Dentron 10-160L replacement xformer woes..., Ron D. Rossi, 15:18
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, George L. Clute, 14:25
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, Carsten Groen, 14:04
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate,, 13:48
- [AMPS] new to Amps, Terry Bassett, 13:32
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, measures, 13:02
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 12:46
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, George L. Clute, 12:13
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Tom Rauch, 10:15
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Tom Rauch, 10:15
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Tom Rauch, 10:15
- [AMPS] Information on watercooling GS35B, LY3NML, 10:15
- [AMPS] Information on watercooling GS35B, CT HRD, 09:12
- [AMPS] Information on watercooling GS35B, KB7WW Art Moe, 08:04
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, < (Michael Tope), 07:56
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 07:55
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, Bob Duckworth, 07:17
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, < (Michael Tope), 05:14
- Fwd: [AMPS] 4CX350A,, 00:14
April 22, 2001
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 23:55
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, measures, 23:55
- [AMPS] source of large inductors, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 23:04
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Tom Rauch, 21:51
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, < (Michael Tope), 21:45
- [AMPS] blowers at lower voltages, Ed Briggs, 21:06
- [AMPS] source of large inductors, measures, 20:37
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 20:37
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 20:37
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 20:37
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, measures, 20:37
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 18:15
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, jeff millar, 14:52
- [AMPS] source of large inductors, Phil (VA3UX), 14:38
- [AMPS] source of large inductors, Phil Clements, 13:52
- [AMPS] source of large inductors,, 13:39
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, Steve Thompson, 13:20
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, jeff millar, 13:09
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, measures, 12:33
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, measures, 12:33
- [AMPS] blowers at lower voltages, measures, 12:33
- [AMPS] [Fwd: Problem with 4CX250. Need help, please.], David Kirkby, 03:31
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Jim Smith, 02:17
- [AMPS] 4CX350A, George L. Clute, 01:33
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, jeff millar, 00:18
- [AMPS] basic question about dipping the plate, William F. Hagen, 00:04
April 21, 2001
- [AMPS] blowers at lower voltages,, 23:36
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, jeff millar, 22:34
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Mike Sawyer, 19:56
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Steven Moore, 19:52
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Jim Smith, 19:32
- [AMPS] RF deck cooling, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 11:45
- [AMPS] RF deck cooling, Lamb, 08:29
- [AMPS] RF deck cooling, G SEVEN, 04:55
- [Fwd: [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase], yo9fzs, 04:18
April 20, 2001
- [Fwd: [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase], jeff millar, 19:22
- [AMPS] Re: PC power supplies, Nermin Bajramović, 17:56
- [AMPS] Transformers FS, Marv Gonsior, 17:14
- [AMPS] literature all gone, John T. M. Lyles, 13:38
- [AMPS] literature, John T. M. Lyles, 12:35
- [AMPS] SELL:NIB Collins 30S1 filament xmfr,, 11:50
- [Fwd: [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase], yo9fzs, 01:37
April 19, 2001
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, jeff millar, 21:02
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Peter Chadwick, 11:17
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, yo9fzs, 10:58
- [AMPS] HL2200, measures, 10:22
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Lamb, 09:28
- [AMPS] HL2200, measures, 08:15
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Bob Duckworth, 07:30
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys,, 04:17
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, yo9fzs, 03:55
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, yo9fzs, 03:37
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Peter Chadwick, 02:29
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Peter Chadwick, 02:19
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Peter Chadwick, 01:55
April 18, 2001
- [AMPS] 8877 YC-157, Steve, 21:08
- [AMPS] BTI Dummy Load, Rick Nichols, 19:16
- [AMPS] HL2200,, 19:09
- [AMPS] wtd:3500v @ 2amps transformer,, 18:09
- [AMPS] '250 anode-screen, Steve Thompson, 12:40
- [AMPS] '250 anode-screen, John Nelson, 12:33
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 12:09
- [AMPS] '250 anode-screen, measures, 12:09
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Phil Clements, 11:19
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, Stephen Goldberg, 10:32
- [AMPS] '250 anode-screen, Steve Thompson, 10:09
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, William Fuqua, 09:55
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, steven grant, 09:41
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 07:16
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 07:16
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 07:16
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 05:04
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 03:09
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, yo9fzs, 03:02
April 17, 2001
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 21:40
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Bill Aycock, 21:20
- [AMPS] Re:PC power supplys, Nermin Bajramović, 19:54
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, Phil Clements, 19:38
- [AMPS] 4CX800 Chimney - how to make ?, < (Roger Borowski), 19:11
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Bill Aycock, 19:06
- [AMPS] 3 phase transforers and single phase, William Fuqua, 16:30
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 16:16
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 15:27
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Bill Aycock, 15:20
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 14:16
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 12:35
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 12:35
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 12:35
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 12:35
- [AMPS] FS: Pair of large parasitic suppressors, measures, 12:35
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steven Moore, 12:06
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 11:38
- [AMPS] Wanted: Bird 43 2500H Slug, Sam Belew, 10:24
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 09:50
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 09:38
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 09:31
- [AMPS] 4CX800 Chimney - how to make ?, Douglas Snowden, 08:36
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 07:28
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Peter Chadwick, 06:57
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 06:39
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Lamb, 06:27
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 06:23
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Peter Chadwick, 06:03
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 05:33
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 04:22
- [AMPS] EL-38 Tubes, Peter Chadwick, 03:07
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Peter Chadwick, 02:59
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Peter Chadwick, 02:57
- [AMPS] FS: Pair of large parasitic suppressors, Peter Chadwick, 02:43
April 16, 2001
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 23:54
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 21:09
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 20:28
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 17:01
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 16:03
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 14:39
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 11:42
- [AMPS] plate-->screen arcs in tetrodes, John T. M. Lyles, 11:29
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 10:12
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 09:59
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 07:36
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 07:36
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 05:41
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 05:01
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 04:42
- [AMPS] nice inside view,, 00:08
April 15, 2001
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 23:43
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 23:35
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies,, 23:25
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 21:41
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 21:41
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 21:25
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 21:25
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 21:25
- [AMPS] Flashovers, measures, 17:07
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 13:30
- [AMPS] FS: Pair of large parasitic suppressors, Radio WC6W, 13:19
- [AMPS] Commander 2500 for sale, Dick Hanson, 07:23
- [AMPS] Flashovers, Tom Rauch, 05:36
- [AMPS] Transistor data, La6wea, 05:19
- [AMPS] Re: New Pix,, 03:11
- [AMPS] silver, Lamb, 00:28
- [AMPS] New Pix, Larry Molitor, 00:23
April 14, 2001
- [AMPS] silver, Jon Ogden, 23:37
- [AMPS] WTB: The Amp Supply Company, measures, 19:33
- [AMPS] WTB: The Amp Supply Company, chuck, 17:20
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 17:10
- [AMPS] silver,, 16:12
- [AMPS] silver,, 16:07
- [AMPS] silver,, 14:54
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 14:40
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 14:23
- [AMPS] silver, measures, 14:23
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Radio WC6W, 12:29
- [AMPS] silver, Jon Ogden, 12:03
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies,, 11:39
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 11:17
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 09:43
- [AMPS] silver, Victor Blackwell, 09:26
- [AMPS] silver, measures, 09:04
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 08:56
- [AMPS] silver, Thomas haglund, 07:59
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, chuck, 07:15
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, dcckc, 07:12
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, chuck, 07:01
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 04:13
- [AMPS] FS: Alpha 77SX, Terry Gaiser, 02:47
- [AMPS] Flashovers, measures, 00:35
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 00:34
April 13, 2001
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, jeff millar, 22:29
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 22:27
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies,, 22:21
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 21:46
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 21:46
- [AMPS] gain,, 21:06
- [AMPS] Flashovers,, 20:18
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, John Nelson, 16:57
- [AMPS] EL-38 Tubes, Bill Smith, 16:29
- [AMPS] gain, Thomas haglund, 15:45
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 14:53
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 13:49
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, Bert Barry, 11:16
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Tom Rauch, 11:00
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 11:00
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 09:54
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, W0UN--Signal Hill Ranch, 08:29
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., John Nelson, 07:40
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 04:18
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 04:11
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 03:46
April 12, 2001
- [AMPS] MLA-2500 ?, Tony Cash, 22:27
- [Fwd: [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating], Bert Barry, 22:13
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rateing, Denis Coolican, 22:00
- [AMPS] MLA-2500 ?, Phil Clements, 21:43
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, Tom Rauch, 20:53
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Tom Rauch, 20:18
- [AMPS] MLA-2500 ?, Tony Cash, 20:10
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, measures, 19:47
- [AMPS] Coil Forms, Jerry Rego, 18:59
- [AMPS] re:al80a, Marcel Jorba, 18:57
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, Phil Clements, 17:38
- [AMPS] re:al80a, carl seyersdahl, 17:08
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, W0UN--Signal Hill Ranch, 16:36
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, William Fuqua, 16:14
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, measures, 15:52
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, measures, 15:48
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, Bert Barry, 15:40
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, Marcel Jorba, 15:16
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, measures, 14:25
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rating, W0UN--Signal Hill Ranch, 12:52
- [AMPS] Need help with Ameritron AL-80A, Marcel Jorba, 12:35
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rateing, measures, 11:53
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rateing, Phil Clements, 11:51
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 11:44
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, measures, 11:44
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variable voltage rateing, William Fuqua, 11:26
- [AMPS] OT - help with info. please, Steve Thompson, 08:07
- [AMPS] Dayton amps people, Jon Ogden, 08:05
- [AMPS] Zener screen supplies, Steve Thompson, 04:13
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Peter Chadwick, 04:02
- [AMPS] Dayton amps people, Peter Chadwick, 03:51
April 11, 2001
- [AMPS], measures, 22:47
- [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?, measures, 22:47
- [AMPS] Dayton amps people,, 20:50
- [AMPS] test for list functions, Will Angenent, 19:31
- [AMPS], Gene Alan Williamson C., 18:00
- [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?, Bruce Plantin, 14:09
- [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?, measures, 14:01
- [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?, Phil Clements, 12:14
- [AMPS] Opinions on Ameritron QSK-5?, Gene Alan Williamson C., 11:52
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., < (Ian White, G3SEK), 11:10
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Steve Thompson, 10:27
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 09:09
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 09:09
- [AMPS] Dayton amps people, measures, 09:09
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Douglas Snowden, 07:57
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Tom Rauch, 06:56
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Steve Thompson, 03:08
- [AMPS] 25Hz generation,, 02:46
- [AMPS] Dayton amps people,, 02:38
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 00:27
April 10, 2001
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Tom Rauch, 20:58
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Tom Rauch, 20:58
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., Bob Duckworth, 16:59
- [AMPS] e-mail, carl seyersdahl, 16:22
- [AMPS] FS: Airflow Switches, Radio WC6W, 14:05
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., measures, 13:59
- [AMPS] FS: Parts & Equipment that may be of some use in and aroundamplifiers ..., Radio WC6W, 13:43
- [AMPS] Need schematic for ICP2500, William Fuqua, 13:17
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800.,, 12:04
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Mark Toussaint, 11:50
- [AMPS] 25Hz, Dick Frey, 11:27
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800.,, 10:45
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Douglas Snowden, 10:25
- [AMPS] MLA2500 and screen voltage for 4CX800., Douglas Snowden, 08:31
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Bert Barry, 08:25
- [AMPS] HARRIS RF-110A, yo9fzs, 05:34
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Johan Nordin, 05:11
- [AMPS] 4CX10000 and 15000 for sale,, 04:56
- [AMPS] Off topic, Peter Chadwick, 03:40
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Peter Chadwick, 03:31
April 09, 2001
- [AMPS] Command Technology HF-2500HP, Jeff Maass, 22:29
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., Roger Huntley, 22:26
- [AMPS] testing thanks, carl seyersdahl, 21:51
- [AMPS] test pls ignore it, carl seyersdahl, 21:34
- [AMPS] Re: 230 /115 volts ????, Bert Barry, 21:27
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Phil (VA3UX), 21:26
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil (VA3UX), 21:11
- [AMPS] WANT TO BUY:, Phil LaMarche, 21:04
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts, Rick Bullon, 18:11
- [AMPS] Re: 230 /115 volts ????,, 17:08
- [AMPS] Re: 230 /115 volts ????, measures, 16:58
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., measures, 16:55
- [AMPS] Re: 230 /115 volts ????, Tom Rauch, 16:27
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, measures, 16:26
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 16:26
- [AMPS] Re: 230 /115 volts ????,, 15:30
- [AMPS] ?: Cooling, Spencer Petri, 14:59
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts, Jim Smith, 14:13
- [AMPS] Penta Labs Tubes, Tom Rauch, 13:59
- SV: [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Johan Nordin, 13:50
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., < (John Ferebee), 12:48
- [AMPS] 50 Hz power testing, John T. M. Lyles, 11:31
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, steven grant, 11:21
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Larry Molitor, 10:46
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Bert Barry, 10:38
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., Tom Rauch, 10:31
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Ed Briggs, 10:27
- [AMPS] Penta Labs Tubes, Bill Smith, 10:07
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Peter Chadwick, 09:46
- [AMPS] 50hz? 25Hz???, Bob Duckworth, 09:27
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts QUIZ., Bob Duckworth, 09:24
- [AMPS] MaCo 750, < (Brian, N8WRL), 07:52
- [AMPS] test - pls ignore, Peter Chadwick, 06:37
April 08, 2001
- [AMPS] Eimac cross reference, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 22:58
- [AMPS] Sell: Tubes and Capacitors, Alek Petkovic, 19:41
- [AMPS] Eimac cross reference, Alek Petkovic, 19:35
- [AMPS] Eimac cross reference,, 13:33
- [AMPS] schematic search gs35b, engelenj, 11:33
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts, Tom Rauch, 10:08
- [AMPS] 50hz?, measures, 09:33
- [AMPS] Re:?: Cooling, Steve Thompson, 04:25
- [AMPS] Re:230 /115 volts,, 03:15
- [AMPS] Re:?: Cooling,, 03:03
- [AMPS] 50hz?, Thomas haglund, 02:15
- [AMPS] 2 X GU74b on 6m & how best to drive the grids,, 00:23
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, dcckc, 00:19
April 07, 2001
- [AMPS] Manual for Heathkit SB-614 Monitor Scope, < (Michael Tope), 23:05
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, < (Michael Tope), 22:22
- [AMPS] ?: 2C39A's & 7289's, measures, 19:13
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Tom Rauch, 18:19
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, Tom Rauch, 17:56
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Barry Kirkwood, 17:17
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Vic Rosenthal, 16:57
- [AMPS] Manual for Heathkit SB-614 Monitor Scope, Ken Potter, 16:39
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, Barry Kirkwood, 16:18
- [AMPS] ?: Cooling, David Kirkby, 15:12
- [AMPS] ?: 2C39A's & 7289's, Radio WC6W, 14:41
- [AMPS] ?: Cooling, Radio WC6W, 14:24
- [AMPS] SELL: Heath SB220 RF Deck Parts,, 13:50
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, steven grant, 13:42
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Jim Reid, 13:28
- [AMPS] 230 /115 volts, Barry Kirkwood, 13:10
- [AMPS] FS: Replacement RF Probes for VTVMs, William L. Turini, 12:20
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Tom Rauch, 11:05
- [AMPS] Last call for QEX article, Phil (VA3UX), 09:26
- [AMPS] Re: close calls, measures, 08:45
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Bert Barry, 08:29
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, dcckc, 06:18
- [AMPS] Flaming Transformers, Barry Kirkwood, 05:52
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, dcckc, 03:31
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Barry Kirkwood, 02:48
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Barry Kirkwood, 02:38
April 06, 2001
- [AMPS] WARC and the MLA2500, Phil Clements, 18:07
- [AMPS] WARC and the MLA2500, Tom Martin, 17:12
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, < (Michael Tope), 16:08
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, < (Michael Tope), 13:13
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Peter Chadwick, 12:13
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 11:35
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 11:21
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 10:40
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, measures, 10:40
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, measures, 10:40
- [AMPS] Doorknob Capacitor, Bill Smith, 10:02
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, Bert Barry, 09:32
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, steven grant, 09:30
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, steven grant, 09:26
- [AMPS] Problem with Ameritron AL-82, Tom Rauch, 07:48
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 07:48
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Phil (VA3UX), 07:23
- [AMPS] safety check list, Steve Thompson, 03:09
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 02:54
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Mike Baker, 02:44
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, Vic Rosenthal, 02:21
- [AMPS] ALPHA 77SX on 50Hz, ARNE GJERNING, 01:10
- [AMPS] safety check list, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 00:06
- [AMPS] Cooked Tubes,, 00:00
April 05, 2001
- [AMPS] The Big Jolt!, Lamb, 23:54
- [AMPS] safety check list, Mike Sawyer, 22:15
- [AMPS] safety check list, Phil Clements, 21:58
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, jeff millar, 21:56
- [AMPS] safety check list, Steven Moore, 21:16
- [AMPS] safety check list, measures, 18:22
- [AMPS] Needed 7525A's, measures, 18:22
- [AMPS] Eimac sockets, Chip Owens, 17:47
- [AMPS] Needed 7525A's, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 16:47
- [AMPS] safety check list, steven grant, 14:09
- [AMPS] Re: close calls, G SEVEN, 13:57
- [AMPS] safety check list, G SEVEN, 13:54
- [AMPS] Re: close calls, G SEVEN, 13:45
- [AMPS] Re: 4-1000A Project,, 11:30
- [AMPS] Re: 4-1000A Project, measures, 11:07
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 11:07
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project and Death from Stupidity, measures, 11:07
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, John Tait, 10:16
- [AMPS] variacs, Tom Rauch, 09:56
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 09:42
- [AMPS] Re: close calls, Tom Rauch, 09:42
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project and Death from Stupidity, Bob Duckworth, 09:32
- [AMPS] Cooked?, Alek Petkovic, 09:27
- [AMPS] Transformer, Dennis Kippa, 08:59
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Peter Chadwick, 08:27
- [AMPS] Re: 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 07:59
- [AMPS] variacs, Lane Zeitler, 07:41
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 07:37
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, G SEVEN, 04:19
- [AMPS] the Truth....., G SEVEN, 03:51
- [AMPS] Re: 4-1000A Project,, 02:22
- [AMPS] Re: 4-1000A Project,, 02:02
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, jeff millar, 01:13
- [AMPS] 4-1000A debate: 2000 watts PEP input instead of 2000 watts PEP output. Sorry All :(, measures, 01:00
- [AMPS] the Truth....., measures, 01:00
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, measures, 01:00
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 01:00
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil Clements, 00:51
April 04, 2001
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 23:47
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 23:26
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 22:43
- [AMPS] the Truth.....,, 21:53
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil (VA3UX), 21:44
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 21:14
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 19:42
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 19:32
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 19:31
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, Alek Petkovic, 17:34
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 17:21
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Terry Gaiser, 16:42
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, Lane Zeitler, 16:19
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, John Nelson, 16:19
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 16:07
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, Radio WC6W, 14:22
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil Clements, 13:49
- [AMPS] 4-1000A debate: 2000 watts PEP input instead of 2000 watts PEP output. Sorry All :(, Wynand van Wyk, 13:40
- [AMPS] Floating Ground, Tom Rauch, 13:02
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 13:02
- [AMPS] SB220 & 4-400s, John Tait, 11:45
- [AMPS] the Truth....., < (Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL), 11:18
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil Levin W2GE, 11:15
- [AMPS] the Truth....., Sain'T Tom, 11:11
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 10:51
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 10:34
- [AMPS] Matching Input, Phil Clements, 09:42
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 09:41
- [AMPS] Floating Ground, Phil Clements, 09:28
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 09:16
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 08:35
- [AMPS] Floating Ground, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 08:22
- [AMPS] Re: QB5/1750 russian equiv.,, 07:42
- [AMPS] Re: QB5/1750 russian equiv., yo9fzs, 06:19
- [AMPS] Re: QB5/1750 russian equiv.,, 05:31
- [AMPS] Floating Ground, Firson Maryutenli, 04:53
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, paul, 01:54
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Bob Marston, 01:51
- [AMPS] QB5/1750 russian equiv., yo9fzs, 01:48
- [AMPS] TL-922 followup, William F. Hagen, 01:33
- [AMPS] TL-922 followup, William F. Hagen, 01:25
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 00:17
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 00:07
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, measures, 00:07
April 03, 2001
- [AMPS] Matching Input, Firson Maryutenli, 23:39
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 22:59
- Fwd: [AMPS] H V Caps for Sale, Dennis Kippa, 22:46
- [AMPS] H V Caps for Sale and transformer, Dennis Kippa, 22:45
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Denis Coolican, 22:27
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil (VA3UX), 21:47
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 20:38
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 20:33
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil (VA3UX), 19:19
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 19:11
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 19:02
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 18:59
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 18:58
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Jon Ogden, 18:54
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 18:48
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 18:09
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Mike McCarthy, W1NR, 16:28
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Wynand van Wyk, 16:10
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Phil Clements, 15:48
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 15:24
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 15:24
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 15:13
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Tom Rauch, 15:07
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Wynand van Wyk, 14:50
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, William Fuqua, 14:18
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Wynand van Wyk, 13:39
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project,, 13:22
- [AMPS] 4-1000A Project, Sam Belew, 09:57
April 02, 2001
- [AMPS] H V Caps for Sale, Dennis Kippa, 23:20
- [AMPS] Toggle for Amp Supply AL-1000, Tom Rauch, 23:00
- [AMPS] Palomar 200X, Rick Nichols, 22:05
- [AMPS] Toggle for Amp Supply AL-1000, Phil Baird, 21:48
- [AMPS] Toggle for Amp Supply AL-1000, Tom Rauch, 10:14
- [AMPS] SELL:Drake L4B Amp Components,, 08:07
- [AMPS] Plate caps, carl seyersdahl, 08:00
April 01, 2001
- [AMPS] Toggle for Amp Supply AL-1000, William F. Hagen, 23:15
- [AMPS] Amplifier which one,, 22:50
- [AMPS] Toggle for Amp Supply AL-1000, Phil Baird, 22:17
- [AMPS] Ameritron AL-811 opinion,, 22:08
- [AMPS] Decision Made, Tom Martin, 22:01
- [AMPS] Decision, Tom Martin, 14:06
- [AMPS] Decision?, Pat Chiles, 11:23
- [AMPS] Decision?,, 06:24
- [AMPS] Decision?, Tom Martin, 00:05