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Re: [CQ-Contest] Self spot in ARRL DX

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Self spot in ARRL DX
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 14:36:40 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Yes it's allowed.

I am wondering how stations are self-spotting efficiently?   Is there

self-spotting software?


John KK9A



I can only speak to N1MMLogger+ as I know it the best.  Some months back
N1MM implemented a "self spot" macro of sorts.

You imbed it in your CQ function key(normally F1). You then connect to your
favorite telnet client (K1TTT, VE7CC etc)  If you are an UNassisted station,
the logger will prevent you from SEEING any spots, but WILL permit an
outgoing self spot to be automagically generated every 10mins if you
continue to punch the F1 (CQ) key. (or if you QSY and call CQ on a new
frequency inside the 10min timer window a new self spot will go out.)


As Stan has explained, the only real benefit is to SSB stations but
especially the lower power, smaller antenna, "regular" guys who ,without
self-spots, will generate many less SSB spots than other larger, more well
known or rarer stations.


With CW everybody is on an equal playing field.


Not every contest permits self spots.




Mike VE9AA



Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada 


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