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Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting/Computer glasses?

To: "Naumann, Robert, W5OV" <RNaumann@arrl.org>, "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting/Computer glasses?
From: Joe <nss@mwt.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 17:14:36 -0600
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I agree 100% and that's why in EVERY message I have posted about this everyone said about Astigmatism, if you have it then this cheap way won't work..
But for those that it is just a spherical correction, you can use the 2 
bucks on the glasses and spend 400 on new radio stuff.

On 2/18/2022 4:51 PM, Naumann, Robert, W5OV wrote:

While I'm sure that some of what you say is true, I know that I need stuff done 
to my glasses to address my astigmatism, retinal problems, and prism.

Oh, and my left eye and right eye are totally different other than they are 
both now suffering from problems relating to getting old.

So for some who are fortunate, it might be OK to get $2 glasses, there are 
those like me where that's just not an option.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest<cq-contest-bounces+w5ov=arrl.org@contesting.com>  On Behalf Of 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2022 12:00
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting/Computer glasses?

I am sorry if I sound so forceful on this subject of the cheap ones.

It is because if you think walmart is bad, the prescription glasses industry is 
1000 times worse.

When I quit the business only three companies controlled the whole market. and 
I think it is now down to two or maybe even one.

I worked with dozens if not hundreds of doctors.  I was at a company that 
actually made the glasses for the Doctor. 99% of the doctors do not make their 
glasses they send it off to a lab like I worked at to make them.

It took me years to convince my own wife that her readers that she had a eye doc 
make for her for almost 400 bucks, work no better than my 2 dollar ones. They got to 
be better! they cost 400 bucks,  till I took her prescription and bought a 
$1.50 version of the same strength and said try these, she could not believe she 
could see just the same.

The eyeglass industry is a HUGE ripoff.

My lab bought the lens blanks for like 5 bucks a pair. like 10 minutes in the 
machine in the lab and they are done.
add another 5 bucks for the frame,,  labor is nothing, honestly, I was making 
geez 30 to 50 pairs of glasses a hour.

so we got like $11 bucks in cost, we sell them to the doc for 100 bucks, and 
then he sells them to you for 300/400,

when a 2 buck one is exactly the same. there is ZERO difference between the 
drugstore 2 buck readers and the 400 doc readers, optics is optics just because 
it costs more does not make any difference.

a dipole made form wire that you paid a dollar foot doesnt work any less well 
than a dipole you paid 100 dollars a foot for.

Plain antenna digital antenna.

I just hate to see people waste money when this is sooo simple.

Think about it,,

Doc says

what is clearer A or B

Now C or D

or you standing by the 2 buck rack,

what is clearer this pair, or this pair?

No difference, just costs 1% as much.

again only if you do not have astigmatism.


On 2/18/2022 10:27 AM, Joe wrote:
It was the strength you needed for that distance. NOTHING SPECIAL
about it.

if you do not have astigmatism, you could have gone and got 2 buck
glasses and done the exact and I mean exact same thing.

Optics is optics,


On 2/18/2022 10:02 AM, Zack Widup wrote:
The last time I had an eye exam, I asked the optometrist for computer
glasses. She gave me a prescription that was especially for computer
They focus at the distance from my eyes to a computer screen.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 9:05 AM Pete Smith N4ZR<pete.n4zr@gmail.com>

You can buy fixed "reading" glasses in various magnifications - 1.5,
2.5 etc - in drugstores.  You just need to figure out what your
usual distance from your screen is, and then test to find the
magnification that works best for you at that distance.

73, Pete N4ZR
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On 2/18/2022 12:44 AM, Gary K9GS wrote:
I remember several years ago that there was an online source for
computer glasses for contesting.  The ones that focus a couple feet
out as opposed to readers.I tried searching the archives but
couldn't find the company.Any help?73,Gary K9GS
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