Much easier if you simply right_click and do a
"save target as" navigate to where you want to save the file and click
73, Bill, WF4R
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephan Andre'" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] All Icom SVC manuals, free pdf
> On Thursday 16 August 2007 18:13:33 Joshua M. Arritt wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > The Italian site does not
>> > have the 37a manual, but lists one for the 47a, but I get an error
>> > message in Italian when I try to download that or other manuals from
>> > that
>> > site (will try later).
>> The links on this page:
>> ...point to strange, non-standard, I'd imagine non W3C-compliant URLs --
>> ftp://ftppub:ftpmarc@
>> ...for example.
>> When you strip the stuff between "ftp://"; and the IP address, they seem
>> to work.
>> Also bummed that the IC-251A, nor the dreaded IC-245 are listed here. I
>> did finally, however, find the user manual for the 245. One of these
>> days, that's going to make one butt-ugly IF radio!
>> 73,
>> - Josh / KF4YLM
> Heh. That FTP url is a completely standard, RFC compliant thing. it logs
> into the account ftppub with a password of ftpmarc, on the machine at
> If your stripping the account and pw worked, then
> they likely got rid of the password scheme for FTP (which only makes
> sense--why are they trying to protect public data?).
> But it is a valid URL. There are even worse examples of URLs which I
> won't go into here. ;-)
> --STeve Andre'
> wb8wsf en82
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