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Topband: FT8 Observations

To: Topband Reflector <>
Subject: Topband: FT8 Observations
From: David Olean <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 14:17:06 +0000
List-post: <>
I have been playing around with FT8 on 160M and am a bit puzzled. I have made plenty of contacts, but with many stations, it seems to require an inordinate amount of power to get their attention, or they do not respond at all. I also have noted that I can hear in a 2.8 kHz passband, signals that register from -12 to -17 dB. About the weakest that I see is a bit more than -20 dB. Does this mean that FT8 is only a few dB better than CW?  I have my time set accurately and I try to place my TX signal away from whomever I am calling on a clear spot on my waterfall.

Some stations are easy to work, and I have worked across the country (FN43 to a CM grid) running just 1 watt. It just seems that there are many stations that are not hearing much, but are making plenty of noise.  Am I wrong?

I am working on cleaning up my 160 setup and have 8 beverages running and they are all pretty quiet now that I installed plenty of ferrite chokes around on the RG-6 feed lines.  I am looking forward to next fall and winter.


Dave K1WHS

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