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Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and after!

Subject: Re: Topband: Don't give up AND log who worked the DX b4 and after!
From: Herb Schoenbohm <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:26:27 -0400
List-post: <">>
Great information Jim....I wish I would have done that many years ago as I worked BS7H in 2007 on 20 CW May 5th, 2007 and the log search shows up nothing. Apart from P5 and Eritrea this is one of three missing ones for DXCC I need. If I had jotted down the proximate contacts I might have been able to have received some help. I know KV4FZ is in the log somewhere but how can I ever get help finding it. I all goes to prove that when working rare DX-peditions there are no rewards by poor record keeping. There hasn't been another operation to Scarborough Reef in nearly a decade and probably won't be for a long time especially with the political battle over disputed islands in the South China Sea.

Regards,   Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 11/15/2013 11:30 AM, James Rodenkirch wrote:
JUST received my PT0S QSL (St. Peter and St. Paul rocks) for QRP QSOs on 80 and 
40 CW!

There is a story behind the 80 meter QSO I want to share...
The morning I worked them on 80 I had just had a quick QSO with KN7T about 10 
minutes b4 PT0S came on the air.
When PT0S came on I callrd them quite a bit.  Then,  KN7T worked them and I 
worked them right after him AND I wrote that info in my log...that KN7T worked 
them just before me.
I then went to 40 meters and worked them as well.
When I checked their online log I saw the 40 meter QSO but no 80 meter!!  I was 
bummed....I sent an e-mail later to one of the team pilots - he checked the log and 
replied, "no K9JWV in the log."
A month ago I was checking through my log and noticed that "discrepancy" and 
though I'd try again.  I e-mailed the QSL manager (fella in Hungary) and one of the team 
leads (fella in AZ).  I went through what happened and told them about KN7T working them 
just b4 me.  They checked, confirmed the KN7T QSO AND found an entry right after with 
K9JJV!!!!  They realized the op had made an error and sent me a card for both QSOs!!!
So.................for those rare ones where you may have only oneor two 
QSOs...try to keep track of who worked them just prior to OR right 
after...could make the difference between having the QSL card or not!
By the bye: the Operator at the time, a PY fella, sent me an e-mail apologizing 
for the error...nice of him!
72, Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV                                                        
Topband Reflector
Topband Reflector

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