At 05:48 PM 12/17/2005, Barry wrote:
>Tom (et al),
>This issue has been beaten to death many times before. Go back to
>scores from the pre-SO2R days. The same people that win contests today
>won them back them, too. The top operators always strive to do better.
>Why go to the trouble of SO2R? Because it's one more way to enhance the
>contesting experience. I get just as much, if not more, satisfaction
>knowing the SO2R station I built (about 50% homebrew stuff) performs
>well, compared to doing well in contests.
>Barry W2UP
Beaten, but far from dead.
Nobody is against SO2R, only against combining SO2R and SO1R scores
together. 2R is a huge advantage comparable to going from LP To HP or
from SO to MO and should be classed separately.
As simple as that.
73, Bill W6WRT
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