At 05:02 PM 12/18/2005, Bill Coleman wrote:
>(Just try to write a rule to separate these hypothetical "classes".
>How do you define 2R? If I have a box like a Ten-Tec Orion, is that
>one radio or two? What if I modified so it could receive on one side
>while transmitting? What if like W6AM I build transmitters and
>receivers for each amateur band - am I suddenly SO5R? What I if I
>have one transmitter with instant band change and two receivers?)
Ok, here is a set of rules which would do the job:
1. One transmitted signal at a time.
2. When the TX is on, the RX must be off and vice versa, i.e.
conventional transceiver operation.
3. The RX must use the minimum bandwidth needed for receiving one
signal, i.e. no spectrum analyzers, panadaptors, multiband/broadband
receivers or similar equipment.
TWO (or more) RADIO CLASS:
1. Anything goes.
How's that? Feel free to enter either class as you prefer.
73, Bill W6WRT
p.s. Your Orion has two receivers in one box. Just keep the second
turned off for SO1R, just like W6AM would if he were still around.
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