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Re: [TowerTalk] Nut & Bolt Sealant

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Nut & Bolt Sealant
From: Ken Alker <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 08:50:14 -0700
List-post: <>
Not to lead the original thread astray, but to comment on below, I've been told (hopefully I'm not spreading untruths) that Loctite (note correct spelling) Blue and Red are "plastic" compounds, so you are effectively filling the thread air gaps with hardened plastic once it solidifies (in absence of oxygen). We use it a lot on our race cars to keep bolts from rattling free. My buddies say they remove the bolts (at least those fastened with Loctite Red) by heating them up and the "plastic" liquifies, allowing the bolt to be unthreaded again. No expensive de-bonder needed, but does require heat (which I suppose could be a problem in some instances).

--On Wednesday, September 8, 2021 3:32 AM +0000 W7TMT - Patrick <> wrote:
Lots of options as others have pointed out. Also I made an error, the
specs say 48 hours for a full cure not 24. However, after 24 it's very
firm but technically not fully cured. It's not cheap but as noted
I've been able to use it well past a week after opening if careful in
sealing it up. I've seen aluminum cleats and other hardware rip layers
of fiberglass off when being removed without use of the chemical
de-bonder or other nuanced techniques. While not designed specifically
for thread/hardware locking it is used that way in the marine trades.
Super UV resistant. As noted do your research before making the leap. It
has been a mainstay in the marine trades for decades but you've
received numerous other good suggestions as well.


From: Gedas <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 20:16
To: W7TMT - Patrick <>;
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Nut & Bolt Sealant

Hi Pat. That sounds like great stuff but the part I do not like it the
shelf life once it is opened up. But if it is not horribly expensive then
it may be the ticket. Thanks !

Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT

Gallery at (under repair)

Light travels faster than sound....

This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
On 9/7/2021 9:47 PM, W7TMT - Patrick wrote:

You might want to give 3M 5200 adhesive/sealant a look. It comes in two
formulas. Regular and "Fast Cure". The fast cure skins over in an hour or
so and is fully cured in 24 hours. The stuff is incredibly tenacious and
is often misused in the marine world where a permanent bond is not really
what's desired. In your application, the use  of heat, no blow torch
required, just a good heat gun, will soften it and allow disassembly at a
later date. There are also chemical de-bonders that will release the
bond. Highly UV resistant. Check-out the specs and see if it might do the
job for you.

Comes in large tubes (9 or perhaps 11 oz.) and small tubes approx. 3 oz.
The instructions warn that it must be used within 24 hours of opening.
I've successfully kept it much longer by squeezing out a bit and then
quickly sealing over the opening with tape. It's a moisture cure product
so sealing it well and quickly is the key


Patrick, W7TMT

-----Original Message-----

From: TowerTalk
m> On Behalf Of Gedas

Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2021 18:21


Subject: [TowerTalk] Nut & Bolt Sealant

I am looking for a product that I can dispense via a few drops onto
assembles hardware that will dry hard, bond, and resist weathering and UV.

I assumed Locktite Blue or Red would do that for me but I have since
learned there are dozens & dozens versions. I clearly picked the wrong
products as they never "dried" or hardened. I have 263 Red and 242 Blue.

Even a week after application both can be rubbed off flat aluminum with
little effort.......not what I am after.

For lack of a better description is there something out there that has
the consistency of thick nail-polish that will dry hard and help keep the
hardware from coming loose?

Gedas, W8BYA EN70JT

Gallery at (under repair) Light travels faster than

This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.



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