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Re: Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

Subject: Re: Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity
From: Fred Moeves <>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2020 14:30:43 -0400
List-post: <>
We had some really good discussion on this reflector in the past week or two.
"Common mode choking","RX Power over Coax","Receive ant binocular 
cores","Super Kaz delta,"Waller Flag".
And now we are back to the very boring topic... "Ft-8 Is Killing Amateur 
Just let it go....

Roger I don't think you are whining ...keep plugging away buddy.
I think you are getting more activity...just not the level you want.

Roger for me at least half and maybe more is about the building the station.
My XYL always ask will you ever be done with your antennas and I answer No...
I enjoy the building of wire antennas,the preamps ,the switching, 
upgrading my station ...and anything else I can make.
I have removed my towers and went to only wire antennas like I did when 
I was a novice.
And I forgot how much fun it is to build this stuff.
I am now really only on 30m - 160m.
I do have a driven element from an old tribander hanging in a tree ..but I think it will be coming down soon??
I just looked in my log and we have not worked yet.
I did hear you this year but could not make the contact.
It's not as easy as you think from this side of the pond either.

Anyway 73 and I hope to work you on 160 cw

And to all you FT-8 haters just don't bring it up's not really that hard.

On 10/9/2020 10:54 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
The irony is that if more of the people that complain about activity only
being on FT8 these days actually came on the band on CW, there would be more
activity !

What amazes me most is that so many of you guys in the USA have invested in
fantastic setups for 160m . . . huge towers, full-sized radial fields,
amazing receive antennas (like proper beverages or phased vertical arrays) -
things that most of us here in Britain (like me) with our tiny gardens could
only dream of . . . and yet those stations rarely seem to make an appearance
on Top Band !

Roger G3YRO

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