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Re: Topband: BCB interference ?

Subject: Re: Topband: BCB interference ?
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 11:35:49 -0700
List-post: <">>
On Mon,9/22/2014 11:09 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
On 9/22/2014 9:42 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Mon,9/22/2014 7:07 AM, Hardy Landskov wrote:
The catch is it has to be able to handle the transmit power too.
Not if you put the filter in the RX loop. That feature is part of the
KXV3 and KXV3A modules

73, Jim K9YC
Does this allow me to listen on my transmit vertical through
a low power high pass filter?
Yes. The KXV3 and KXV3A give you the output of the T/R switching and the 
input of the RX, so that you can loop that through the filter.
AFAIK, what you are talking about
only applies a filter to the separate RX antenna.  I tried to
read about this on the Elecraft site, but it is not clear.
The multiple ways in which a K3 can be configured contribute to the 
confusion. :)   If you have the second RX and the antenna tuner, you 
will have an AUX input (a BNC) that can be the alternate antenna for the 
second RX. That's a choice you make when installing those modules, and 
that's how my K3s are set up. My Beverages feed that AUX input, and are 
also wired in parallel to the RX input, so I can listen on the Beverages 
on the Main RX if I want to. I also have a 6M preamp that I switch into 
that RX loop using a Top Ten relay box.
Here in the Santa Cruz Mountains, I'm not close enough to any AM 
stations to need a BPF. It was a different story in Chicago, with five 
50kW clears within 20 miles and a kW or two within a mile. :)
73, Jim K9YC
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