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Re: Topband: Ferrite Cores

Subject: Re: Topband: Ferrite Cores
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:31:04 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 8/5/2014 12:58 PM, Tom W8JI wrote:
Every place I have worked since 1966 has used internal house numbers for parts.
When a customer orders a replacement part from an equipment 
manufacturer, there is nearly always a large markup on the part as 
compared to the cost of buying the part from the manufacturer of the 
part, or from the manufacturer's distributors, and includes the costs of 
keeping those parts in stock and selling in single lots.
"House numbers" are also used by manufacturers for custom parts not in 
their standard catalog, made custom for a specific user. Examples of 
such parts are variable capacitors, mounting brackets, bandswitches, 
pots and linear attenuators used in audio gear. Solid state devices may 
be sorted for a narrower spec than the standard part and given a house 
That's very different from what Amidon and Palomar are doing.

73, Jim K9YC
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