> If my memory serves right, in contrast to the 1000MP (not
> MARK-5), you can't use narrow filters in PKT (AFSK) mode -
> only in RTTY!
My MK-V Works just fine (500 Hz filters in NAR2) in the PKT
mode for AFSK (LSB audio). I did modify the offset and tuning
indicator slightly (instructions in the manual) to match the
the standard (high tones) FSK tones (2125/2295 AFSK) and use
2210 Hz for PSK.
The thing I find amazing is that the filter selection is set
for 2400/2000/500 (or 250) instead of 2000/500/250 for
nor/nar1/nar2. It would have been so easy to make the RTTY/PKT
filter selections the same as CW instead of LSB/USB!
Yes, one can select almost any filter combination with computer
control but that's not the point <G>.
... Joe, K4IK