>>I think that either your feeble old memory or mine has mixed up the
>>capabilities of other keyers with the accu memory.
>>There was an Accu-Memory II that was only available in a commercial
>>version that may have had features such as this, but I don't believe that
>>the original was that sophisticated.
>>I thought that such pauses for input were started in keyers such as the
>>venerable KC Keyer and some from AEA.
>I used to build the Accu-Keyers to sell (even sold a CMOS version), and
>also built three or four of the Accu-Memories. If my feeble old mind
>remembers correctly, you could pause for any length of time while you were
>programming it to make a word space, and then continue. Maybe that's what
>Brett is thinking of?
>Loved to watch that digital display while it was playing back. :-)
I believe the Accu-Memory allowed you to pause for manual entry of other
data, and then it'd pick back up and continue sending from that point. This
is something the Basic Accu-Keyer didn't offer.
Tom N0SS