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[CQ-Contest] CQWW - are signal reports optional?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW - are signal reports optional?
From: n4bp@netzero.net (Bob Patten)
Date: Wed Nov 27 14:51:10 2002
Bob Naumann - N5NJ wrote:
> Brett,
> I think that either your feeble old memory or mine has mixed up the 
> capabilities of other keyers with the accu memory.
> There was an Accu-Memory II that was only available in a commercial version 
> that may have had features such as this, but I don't believe that the 
> original was that sophisticated.
> I thought that such pauses for input were started in keyers such as the 
> venerable KC Keyer and some from AEA.
I used to build the Accu-Keyers to sell (even sold a CMOS version), and 
also built three or four of the Accu-Memories.  If my feeble old mind 
remembers correctly, you could pause for any length of time while you 
were programming it to make a word space, and then continue.  Maybe 
that's what Brett is thinking of?
Loved to watch that digital display while it was playing back.  :-)

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

E-Mail: n4bp@netzero.net                Website: http://www.qsl.net/n4bp
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