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Re: [Amps] plate choke

To: "Phil Clements" <>,"Alex Eban" <>, "KD7QAE" <KD7QAE@ARRL.NET>,<>
Subject: Re: [Amps] plate choke
From: "Mark Marsden" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 17:10:22 +0100
List-post: <>
Hi Amp'ers

When I was building my amp I spent a long time investigating plate
chokes or feeding DC in from the antenna end. I made 5 chokes, and
bought one from a UK manufacturer, but could never get enough inductance
for 160m without introducing a series resonance below 40MHz. 

The end of my search came when I bought some RFC-4L 500uH anode RF
chokes from RF Parts. I was very impressed to see no resonances between
1 to 100MHz. 

FYI photos of the choke under test and a VNA plot of it's impedance are
on (scroll
down to the heading "Anode Choke testing")

73 Mark G4AXX
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