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[AMPS] slam tally

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] slam tally
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 08:31:32 -0700

>Tom Rauch wrote:
>>Come on now, you know very well this isn't true. If you want to 
>>keep a discussion non-personal, it is necessary to not fabricate 
>>stories about the other party.
>>Rich is referring to Buzz Michaelos, who was former R&D manager 
>>at Eimac. Buzz disagreed with almost everything Rich said about 
>>tubes and parasitics. Somehow Rich thinks Buzz wasn't R&D 
>>manager, and feels if he impugns Buzz it makes Buzz's opinion 
>>less valuable.
>>Why I'm in the middle of that, is beyond me. 
>>> ?  Surely, I waxed hot after I telephoned Eimac's personnel dept. and
>>> discovered that Mr. Rauch's allegation regarding Eimac's "R+D Engineering
>>> Manager" was a fabrication.  At the onset of the grate parasitics debate, 
>>>  I entered into a gentlemen's agreement with Mr. Rauch.  All bets were off
>>> after this discovery.  .  Congrats to those who warned me at the onset of
>>> the debate.  Without their sage advice I would probably not have checked
>>> out the  "R+D Engineering Manager" story.  
>>Not true Rich. Buzz was R&D manager.
>From the authors' personal biographies in the ARRL UHF/Microwave
>Experimenter's Handbook: 
>"Buzz Miklos, WA4GPM... is currently [ = was, when written] the manager
>for R&D for RF cavities and tubes at."
?  According to the personnel office's rep. at Varian/Eimac in Salt Lake 
Utah, Mr. Miklos was an "Engineer-B", he was not a manager, he was 
well-liked, and he was no longer employed by Eimac/Varian.  .  My guess 
is that the ARRL did not telephone the SLC personnel office to check out 
Miklos' claim.  .  For me, a clue that something was not quite on the up 
and up, was the wording of  Mr. Rauch's statement.  Quoting:

>"Mr. Miklos feels, and says his Eimac engineering staff felt, your theories
>have no merit and display a complete misunderstanding of how a power grid
>tube operates and the mechanisms of tube failures. "
>He prefers you not receive his phone number, since he understands you have
>more time to argue than he does. He will, however, call you if you always
>promise to include his views whenever you mention the person assigned to
>answer customer letters, Mr. Foote.
>You wanted to know who at Varian disagrees with you. You now have what you
>have asked for...and perhaps more than you wanted."  
Not quite.  It took a telephone call.   

-  later, Ian.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K,  

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