I heard back from Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, who is my Division Director and an
active VHF weak signal operator/contester.
According to Greg, "Myself and a few other Division Directors brought up the
issue of adding VUCC to Logbook of the World. The league has hired a couple of
new programmers, but want to get the new website completed before tackling more
changes to LoTW".
So, judging from his reply, I wouldn't expect to see this anytime soon. Greg
did express that he "felt my pain and wants to get VUCC added also".
So, democracy in action. You don't always get the answers you want, but if you
participate in the process, you usually can at least get your voice heard. I
applaud Greg Sarratt and the other directors who were willing to bring this up.
My suggestion would be to quiz you Division Director and ask him to go on the
record as to if he supported this request. If he didn't, ask him why...and then
organize the VHF men in your area to change his mind.
Without a doubt, other priorities will rise up again to derail getting this
done, unless we continue to make sure that our duly elected officials know our
wishes. As Thomas Jefferson used to say, "People get the government that they
Did you do your part?
Les Rayburn, N1LF
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