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[TowerTalk] Junk Coonectors (was Re: How lossy are PL-259s at HF?)

Subject: [TowerTalk] Junk Coonectors (was Re: How lossy are PL-259s at HF?)
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 10:14:19 -0700
List-post: <>
On 6/18/2024 6:15 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
When shopping for UHF connectors at a hamfest, bring an Amphenol male
and use it to test any connectors that have a UHF female involved.  Do

I consider this a fool's errand. The only connectors or adapters I will buy at a hamfest are MIL-surplus or Amphenol-branded, and they're sold by individual hams. I've probably used a hundred or more of them over the years, all bought in lots of 50 or 100 from franchised distributors as part of a group purchase that I or others have organized for clubs to which I've belonged.

For more than 25 years, I've served on the Standards Committee of the Audio Engineering Society, which includes representatives of major manufacturers like Switchcraft, Neutrik, Shure, AKG, Neumann, Audio-Tehcnica, Sennheiser, and Beyer Dynamic. (not Amphenol -- they haven't been in the audio biz for 40-50 years, which Switchcraft and Neutrik have dominated for that long). Over the years, I've seen many reports from some of them about counterfeits of their products. With microphones, the defects are sound quality; with connectors, they're failure to properly mate, dissimilar metals that you can't solder to or degrade with time, dielectrics that melt when you try to solder.

Yes, there are other mfrs of connectors, but I wouldn't go near them unless I was a mfr who could vet the company, get samples, see their quality control. Years ago, W2VJN did that for some antenna switching products, and he got quality. Our chances of getting quality connectors are about as good as winning the lottery.

When I got back on the air in 2003, I was ignorant of this issue with ham connectors, and bought a lot of adapters to fill my junk box. Over the next 5-6 years, they caused me untold grief trouble-shooting the failures they caused in my station.

73, Jim K9YC


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