Steve Maki wrote:
>The fallacy in this argument is the implication that it's difficult or
>even impossible to weatherproof the outside of a splice. Nothing could
>be further from the truth, is spite of some failed "attempts" by some.
10-15 years ago, when Heliax connectors were rare and expensive, I
spliced two lengths of LDF4-50 using the brass/copper tubing method.
This was waterproofed with self-amalgamating tape, and for mechanical
strength I taped a double splint of aluminum angle over the whole thing.
When we moved house, I cut out that spllce and checked it. It was
The same lengths of cable are back in use at our new home; but now that
good used connectors are continually available on eBay, those are the
preferred solution.
If there are any worries about N connectors snapping, then there's
something very wrong with the way the whole run of cable has been
installed. But if in doubt, either apply a splint or upgrade to 7/16
>I'm not trying to encourage cheaping out on connectors, just trying to
>shed some light....after all, even proper connectors are always
>weatherproofed in commercial installs. The VERY same weatherproofing
>techniques will GUARANTEE a hermetic seal on homemade connections just
>the same.
Just so.
73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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