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Re: Topband: ARRL CW Contest

To: Fred Moeves <>,
Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL CW Contest
From: David Olean <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:19:03 +0000
List-post: <>

I was not able to be on much Friday evening because of other pressing priorities, but I did note that signals seemed great from my location in southern Maine. Signals from Europe were way up and about as good as you might typically see for a good night. I tuned around for about 1/2 hour and worked a few stations. No real exotic DX but the signals were strong here. I wish I could have spent the evening working stations when things were so good!
I think much depends on where you are at any given time. In the CQ 160, 
I thought condx were not good, but fellows farther South had great fun 
and thought otherwise.
I hope to make a few QSOs this evening. I have permission to stay up late!


Dave K1WHS

On 2/15/2020 6:13 PM, Fred Moeves wrote:

I stayed on 160 for the evening.

I just didn't feel like battling it out with the big guns.

I had a laid back fun time working Eu and Caribbean stations.

Conditions here in Kentucky were not very good deep QSB but I did work maybe 20 stations.
It was tough to work every one of them...

Been having lots of rain here it finally got cold and was able to do some antenna maintenance.
Also was able to install two common mode chokes on RX antennas.

I hope condx are better tonight...I wonder how others found conditions last night??



On 2/15/2020 10:52 AM, Roger Kennedy wrote:
Very curious . . .

I came on 160m last night to see what NA stations I could work in the
contest . . . spent half an hour tuning around and only heard 12 stations
calling CQ, all of which I worked.

I then figured it might be worth calling CQ, as hopefully Europeans wouldn't call me, as they only get points for working NA stations (unlike the CQ WW)
And in just over half an hour I was called by 50 stations !  (I 
stopped when
signals started dropping out after our sunrise)

I was just surprised that there weren't more big NA signals on 160 calling
CQ, like there is in the CQ WW - is there a reason for this?

Roger G3YRO

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