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Re: Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"

Subject: Re: Topband: Straws in the wind, continued or, "Where's the DX?"
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 09:27:51 -0400
List-post: <>
On 4/2/2018 7:25 AM, Ed Sawyer wrote:

It looks to me like VHF contesting is about to be decimated for the
CW/SSB op in favor of robots working each other on FT8. I am glad I
am not into VHF contesting.
FT8 is not "robots working each other."  Anyone who has used Joe
Taylor's software can tell you it is not fully automated as the
user needs to initiate the call/select the station to be called
and make the decision if the contact is complete.  At its core, that
is no different than selecting a CW or SSB signal on a panadapter,
"pushing the button" on a CW or Voice memory keyer and deciding if
the other station actually replied to you.

Yes, some individuals have used macro programming languages to further
"automate" FT8 QSOs just as some individuals have used programming to
automate CW and/or RTTY QSOs.  Still, FT8 is no different than the
typical "5NN 73" or "TU 5NN" DX "QSO".

The only real difference is that the software does a much better job of
filtering (selectivity) while the protocol takes advantage of both error
correction and data redundancy (transmitting the same data multiple
times) to improve the overall sensitivity.  If you like, FT8 (as well
as JT65 and JT9) build much of the benefit of low noise receive antennas
into the protocol.


   ... Joe, W4TV

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