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Re: Topband: FT8 qrm

To: Mark K3MSB <>,topBand List <>
Subject: Re: Topband: FT8 qrm
From: Peter Sundberg <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:10:49 +0000
List-post: <>
This is Joe Taylor K1JTs description of how WSJT-X default frequencies (windows) are established:
"The authors of WSJT, MAP65, WSPR, and WSJT-X have never attempted to 
impose standards for operating frequencies of our various modes. 
Sometimes we have made initial suggestions, usually with IARU Region 
2 in mind.  But the frequencies in use today are effectively 
established by users, not by us.  When conventional usage seems well 
enough established by the community, we have added mode-specific 
default frequencies to a list in WSJT-X "
To me it seems pretty clear that if the software is pre-programmed 
with a set of default frequencies for different bands, the users are 
NOT spinning the VFO to find a clear space. Last summer this concept 
created quite a bit of commotion in Region 1 among users of a higher 
band as the WSJT-X default frequency was not in correspondence with 
the R1 bandplan.
So, to answer your question Mark - Mr Taylor and his colleague 
authors of a software bundle.
Peter SM2CEW

At 17:17 2017-11-29, Mark K3MSB wrote:
>>established band usage

Out of curiosity,  exactly who "established" 1840 + 2.5 KHz as the FT8

Mark K3MSB

On Nov 29, 2017 12:04 PM, "Brian D G3VGZ" <>

I shall be operating this weekend full legal limit *below* 1837.5 CW, and
also FT*/JT65/JT9 at up to the legal limit above 1838. There's no reason
both can't co-exist. It should be a rule in contests that all stations
deliberately operatimg out of the established band usage to be disqualified.
I refuse to work those stations which flaunt the band plans.

"Ed Sawyer" <> wrote:

> I'm sorry but I don't buy the argument that the way to be a "gentleman" is
> to accept everyone else's interests above your own.  A "gentleman" is
> respectful of others and treats others as he/she wants to be treated.
> No one owns a frequency channel at least in the US - read your license.
> If I come on a frequency, hear nothing, ask QRL using a legal and accepted
> mode for the frequency and hear nothing, I am using the frequency.  By the
> way - even the ARRL admits there is no longer a "DX Window" on 160M.
> If FT8 is such a fragile mode to QRM that it needs a 2khz undisturbed
> window, then it is a flawed mode that will not stand the test of time in
> my opinion.  I am already starting to hear DX side people saying it's a
> complete waste of time and abandoning it.  I hear 3Y is going to try it -
> that should be hilarious.
> I think that most of the FT8 crowd is horribly misinformed with dribble
> they read on the internet and think that some "net authority" has granted
> exclusive access to said frequency band and that they have had such right
> since June.
> Look for me on 1840 in the ARRL 160 this weekend after listening, asking
> QRL, and seeing if I am disturbing anyone in my 400hz receiving window.
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
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