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Re: Topband: *****SPAM***** Re: Brave New World

To: "Doug Renwick" <>,
Subject: Re: Topband: *****SPAM***** Re: Brave New World
From: fausto minardi <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:19:39 +0100
List-post: <">>
Hi Doug

It is not us who have to change hobby, but them!
Long ago the definition of RADIO was "Cordless Phone",
it seems to me that in the internet there is too much wire!!!
It would be as if Marconi to turn on the lights in Sydney
had used the phone to access a Melbourne radio to connect
with a radio in Sydney, would upset the story!

73 Fausto I4EAT

At 05:11 26/02/2015, you wrote:
Eddy, Ham Radio is dead, extinct.  It has been replaced with Internet Radio.
I once held an amateur radio licence; it now belongs in a museum.  Some how
good things don't last forever.  I have had a lot of fun when the hobby was
amateur radio.  I guess it is time to move on and find another fun hobby.
And to those who enjoy internet radio; try and have some fun knowing you
just killed amateur radio.

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