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Re: Topband: Easy-to-learn 160 contest logging program?

Subject: Re: Topband: Easy-to-learn 160 contest logging program?
From: Richard Karlquist <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 09:45:06 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 2013-12-04 08:25, Gary Smith wrote:
I agree with Doug on N1MM. Do follow the instructions on the download
page to install the program first and then the most recent update.
Then once it's running and you've filled in the station info, under
the tools tab you'll find some other downloads available & download
them. You'll find there's a bit of a curve to using it but it's so
easy to use you'll really appreciate it. Tab to select & scroll,

If N1MM was truly easy to learn, it wouldn't need the above disclaimer.
I've used N1MM for years.  My opinion (YMMV):

Is it easy to install, configure and learn.  No.
Is it easy to use?  No.
Is it well documented?  No.
Is it intuitive?  No.

It is a serious program for the serious contester
who is willing to invest the time and effort in it.

It does have the advantage of being free, but unfortunately, your time isn't free.

If you want easy to learn, look elsewhere.  For example, N3FJP.

Rick N6RK
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