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Re: Topband: QRP Question

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Question
From: James Rodenkirch <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 13:05:19 -0700
List-post: <">>
Well, Don - when I submit QSL cards to ARRL for an award such as my WAS QRP 
certificate the QSL cards don't say K9JWV/QRP on it - that's an attestation I 
have to send along when I apply for the's another reason 
NOT to sign /QRP --- I work some fella, sign /QRP and he submits our QSO to 
LoTW as K9JWV/QRP and I submit mine to LoTW as a K9JWV QSO and LoTW won't 
recognize that'll be on of those zombies...

I do understand your comment about signing /QRP if searching other QRP 
operators, especially if you're at or near one of the QRP watering holes...

> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:57:49 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Question
> Let me play the devils advocate and put a spin on why you might want to sign 
> /qrp when calling CQ.
> 1)  If I work you and you sign /qrp, then I will send you a QSL card that 
> says K9JWV/qrp (or whatever your call might be), but if you don't say you are 
> qrp, then you will get a card that says K9JWV and no mention that I am 
> confirming you worked me while you were running qrp.
> 2)  You also might want to sign /qrp when calling CQ if you are trying to 
> attract other qrp operators.  If I hear someone sign /qrp when they call CQ, 
> I often fire up my QRP rig since I suspect they will be able to hear me just 
> as well as I am hearing them.
> Don (wd8dsb)
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