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Re: Topband: QRP Question

Subject: Re: Topband: QRP Question
From: Herb Schoenbohm <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 13:46:11 -0400
List-post: <">>

The great thing about chasing DX on TB is that soon one chooses to 
eschew superfluous or confusing  transmission of CW characters because 
they hinder.  I am glad you brought this issue up and  I believe the 
reason in some cases with QRPers could be that the flea power insecurity 
syndrome abounds and needs to be mollified.

Most experienced seasoned QRPers would never use the /QRP appendage but 
rather would personally cherish the contact they made with 5 watts or 
less.  No need to explain away anything.  There is also perhaps a 
feeling that a weak signal must be explained away so the QRP'er is held 
blameless for not having what it takes to be "adequate,"  or "I am 
impotent because I choose not to be potent."

In the past days of amateur radio S1 or S2 was categorized as weak.  
(On160 with DX who cares in you can work them?) However, using the term 
"weak" is considered today to lack political correctness and unkind. 
Today the term hams use to describe a weak signal is "You are light with 

Another constant irking remarks extant is the use of "Roger" in place of 
"over" or "go ahead".  To which I always remark..."my name is Herb, not 
Roger....... Roger?

The whole thing is now  turned upside down and some insist we no longer 
refer to each others as top-banders but instead we are instead 


Herb KV4FZ

On 12/12/2011 12:58 PM, W0UCE wrote:
> Maybe and experienced QRP OP can answer a question for me and please note
> the question is not intended to anger anyone or start a flame. I would just
> like to learn something - "Why?"
> So here is the question:  Why do some using QRP continually send /QRP after
> a CQ, their call or a contest exchange?  In a contest I don't care if the
> station I work is QRP, LP or QRO - a QSO is a QSO.
> The same when calling CQ or during a rag chewing - Why send /QRP? To me it
> makes no more sense than someone sending /100w, /LP, /1500w or /QRO after
> their call.
> 73,
> Jack
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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