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Re: Topband: Inverted "L" Radiation Resistance vs vertical height

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Inverted "L" Radiation Resistance vs vertical height
From: Joe Craig <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 13:18:20 -0230 (NDT)
List-post: <>
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006, wrote:

> I'm trying to determine if it makes sense to raise the vertical portion
> of my 160 meter inverted "L" from 50 to 60 feet.  The additional 10
> feet of vertical length will require a considerable amount of effort.

Hi Tim,

Rrad goes by the square of height for 'short' verticals so you would
see roughly a 40% increase by going to 60'.  The difference in your
signal would also depend on your ground loss and this would be smaller
for a poor ground.

While I'm here, is there a source of #16 or #18 CCS wire in large
quanties?  I saw a large spool of welding wire that appeared
to be copper coated, but it seems the copper coating is to thin
to make this wire useful for radials.

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