Scott has hit it right on the head. And is why I wanted and am able to
join a Contest Club. I am unable, for the most part, to travel to a
meeting. Thus when I saw this group it was what I was looking for.
I have been bitten many times in the past by the political clubbug. I do
not desire to be lunch for them any longer.
Just my two cents worth.
> [Original Message]
> From: Scott Straw <>
> To: <>
> Date: 12/8/03 6:38:49 PM
> Subject: [SECC] Remember when...?
> Fellow Compatriots for Whom the term Corona has Three Meanings*:
> As a kibitzer of the highest caliber, and a station-challenged contester,
> tend to just lurk and observe. I feel a need however, to contribute to
> cacophony of opinions regarding the state of the club.
> It is my recollection, and I'll admit that it is a bit fuzzy, the e-mails
> from that era long having been returned to that great SMTP Valhalla from
> whence they came, that the founding fathers of this SECC formed it on the
> premise that it would be an "un-club."
> - There were to be no meetings, except the absolute minimum required to
> maintain good standing with the Contest Rules of the various
> sponsors. Social events were to be encouraged, but not for the purpose
> conducting business.
> - There were to be no dues, therefore the position of Club Treasurer was
> superfluous.
> -The primary means of interaction between club members was to be via the
> e-mail broadcasting service.
> - Where allowable, all members were encouraged to pool their scores from
> the various events so as to create a team score that could be bring
> recognition, if not the envy of other clubs, to the membership.
> I'm sure that there were other tenets of equal or greater importance, but
> now that my grey matter is starting to leak out around my hair follicles
> and stain them, my ability to recollect is deteriorating.
> I realize that we are now MUCH larger that we were in 1998, or 1999, or
> whenever it was that the club was formed, so maybe it is time we paid a
> visit to the old and dusty vaults where the original premises on which
> club was founded are stored and ask ourselves, "where are we now, and is
> where we want to be?"
> Scott
> *a beer, a solar event, and a by product of a mismatched tuner
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