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[SECC] Remember when...?

Subject: [SECC] Remember when...?
From: scottstraw at (Scott Straw)
Date: Mon Dec 8 19:38:49 2003
Fellow Compatriots for Whom the term Corona has Three Meanings*:

As a kibitzer of the highest caliber, and a station-challenged contester, I 
tend to just lurk and observe.  I feel a need however, to contribute to the 
cacophony of opinions regarding the state of the club.

It is my recollection, and I'll admit that it is a bit fuzzy, the e-mails 
from that era long having been returned to that great SMTP Valhalla from 
whence they came, that the founding fathers of this SECC formed it on the 
premise that it would be an "un-club."

  - There were to be no meetings, except the absolute minimum required to 
maintain good standing with the Contest Rules of the various organizational 
sponsors.  Social events were to be encouraged, but not for the purpose of 
conducting business.

- There were to be no dues, therefore the position of Club Treasurer was 

-The primary means of interaction between club members was to be via the e-mail broadcasting service.

- Where allowable, all members were encouraged to pool their scores from 
the various events so as to create a team score that could be bring 
recognition, if not the envy of other clubs, to the membership.

I'm sure that there were other tenets of equal or greater importance, but 
now that my grey matter is starting to leak out around my hair follicles 
and stain them, my ability to recollect is deteriorating.

I realize that we are now MUCH larger that we were in 1998, or 1999, or 
whenever it was that the club was formed, so maybe it is time we paid a 
visit to the old and dusty vaults where the original premises on which the 
club was founded are stored and ask ourselves, "where are we now, and is it 
where we want to be?"


*a beer, a solar event, and a by product of a mismatched tuner

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