I too hope Bridget will reconsider. I like the CW more than the phone,
but got zapped also last year. Over 90% of the zaps ( don't even think
of asking )were in the number in the call, leading me to think there
is some sloppy CW going on. But in truth, the fact that I am far below
the level of being legally deaf in the 1200-3000 cycle range (82bd
down in the left ear and 78 in the right )
I'd like to pose a question to the group. Would it be considered
proper conduct to compile a database of both the CW and Phone
entrants? If enough people contributed their logs ( and I will be more
than glad to compile the database ) we should have a 95+% chance of
getting the correct calls. Then, it's a relative simple matter to
compare your log against the database, and let it pop out calls which
do not appear. For that matter, it could also do sections and
Heck, the logs from Bill and John would probably be sufficient.
But the important thing is, get on, even if for an hour or so. And
maybe we need to make up a couple of teams to compete against each
other. And forget Bill and John being on the same team!!