Matthew, the reason you don't see wide band digi voice in the sub band
is simple. In the case
of System Fusion, 12.5kHz, the baud rate is 9600 and not legal under
current rules
knew that was coming, the emission designators are allowed under current
rules, F1D F7W .
I really don't know what the FCC or the ARRL had in mind when they went
down this dirt road.
On 8/16/2016 3:45 PM, Matthew Pitts via RTTY wrote:
Ted has mentioned wide bandwidth voice modes, and so did you in a message to another
list, which is why I asked the question I did. The point I am trying to to make is that
these things would already be happening if folks wanted to do them in the RTTY/data
bands. The same is true if people wanted to "fill up the RTTY/Data bands with
wideband digital", as I believe he said; we wouldn't be able to use any of the
digital modes we like if there really were that many people that could afford to build a
station that they could not use for anything else. And, for what it's worth, where else
are hams using peer to peer digital (Pactor 3 and Winmor 1600) supposed to operate?
Matthew Pitts
On August 16, 2016 12:28:28 PM EDT, Ron Kolarik <> wrote:
Matthew, try to stick to the subject. Stations operating under
regularly blast anything in their way
and if the P3 stations would stay where they belong it would help. No
one said anything about current
stations running 6kHz wide modes.....where the hell did that come
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