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RE: [Karlnet] performance issue's on ap1000 when using isp base

To: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Subject: RE: [Karlnet] performance issue's on ap1000 when using isp base
From: Roger Boggs <rogerboggs@att.net>
Reply-to: karlnet@WISPNotes.com
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 18:05:35 -0400
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
What do you mean, Dan?  A difference between a regular
"Base Station" and an "ISP Base Station"?

Since you called it an "issue", I'll assume that you mean the ISP Base Station
is not performing nearly as well as the "Base Station/Normal Polling" configuration.

What are the performance differences?

At 05:47 PM 9/4/02 -0400, you wrote:
I have seen a noticeable performance issue when switching ap over to isp
base instead of normal polling

Roger Boggs

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