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Re: [CQ-Contest] Overrlay Categories

To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Overrlay Categories
From: <john@kk9a.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 18:20:57 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
The ARRL "Limited Antennas Overlay" comes pretty close to matching your
overlay request.  I do not believe there is a stipulation as to how many
single element antennas you can have and if they can be rotated.  Limited
Antennas was a very popular in the 2023 November Sweepstakes and some
stations were very competitive with multi-element stations.

"Limited Antennas Overlay: Any Single Operator or Single Operator Unlimited
entrant can enter using
the Limited Antennas Overlay. Operation is limited to the use of
single-element antennas such as a
single vertical, end-fed wire, or a single dipole antenna no more than 50
feet above ground at its highest
point. The antenna(s) may cover multiple bands, as in the case of multiband
verticals and dipoles with
fan or trap constructions."

John KK9a

Stan Zawrotny k4sbz wrote:

I am 80 and am not in the class of the big guns even though I have a full
legal limit station. I don't feel the need for an overlay to  point to my
age as my excuse for not scoring higher. Instead, I would like to see an
overlay of just wires. The current overlay combines wires with tribanders.
Tribanders have a great advantage over wires -- they can rotate. A couple
of the European contests are starting to have a wires-only category. I
would like to see some of our ARRL, CQ  and NAQP contests do the same.

Stan, K4SBZ

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