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Re: [CQ-Contest] QSO Party Rules

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] QSO Party Rules
From: James Duffey <jamesduffey@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2022 17:04:43 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

> On Sep 20, 2022, at 11:00, K9YC wrote:
> The way most of these parties work, mobiles get another mult for each 
> state they work for each county from which they work them. If a mobile 
> works me from 20 counties on 2 bands, we each get 40 mults; if he works 
> KA6BIM (in OR) from 25 counties on 2 bands, they both get another 50 
> mults. And so on.

This is not the way the QSO Party rules I am familiar with work. In the QSO 
Party rules I am familiar with, if I, a mobile, work you from 20 counties on 
two bands, you do indeed earn 40 mults, but I only get two, one each for your 
SPC per band. Sometimes, only one per contest.  I am not sure I understand your 
KA6LIM situation as Oregon does not have its own QSO party, but rather 
participates in the 7QP. Mobiles get credit for the states in the 7QP, not the 
counties. Multipliers usually do not accumulate from county-to-county, at least 
in the State QSO Parties I am familiar with. Some only count the SPC once per 
contest not once per band. It does help to work mobile-to-mobile in state QSO 
parties, but, in my experience it is not worth the time searching them out to 
the detriment of running stations. 

The one SPC multiplier per contest by a mobile, regardless of county in which 
it is worked, applies to the contests you cited as having unfavorable rules, 
although some QSO Party rules award bonuses to mobiles for working a certain 
minimum number of QSOs per county they activate. The closest thing for 
incentivizing  mobiles to work intrastate, mobiles only, is the Texas QSO Party:

"Texas Mobiles—...Add five hundred (500) bonus points to your FINAL SCORE for 
each Texas mobile worked in five (5) different counties regardless of band or 
mode. If you work the same Texas mobile in five (5) additional counties, you 
add an additional five hundred (500) bonus points to your FINAL SCORE, etc. 
However, for bonus points you can only count one (1) contact per county per 

So, you may have a point with regard to TX about it having rules slanted to 
intrastate QSOs for mobiles, but it isn’t the cumulative multipliers you cite. 
I think that TN, PA, NE, and WA have the same multiplier structure for mobile 
and fixed stations, perhaps with a bonus for a minimum number of QSOs per 
county by mobiles in some of the contests.

If there are state QSO parties that calculate multipliers the way you say 
“most" do, I would like to know about them. Sounds like fun mobiling with a 
giant score looming. I am not aware of any, but I have not looked exhaustively 
at all the state’s rules, but in addition to the above, the ones I have 
operated inor contemplated operating in mobile do not.

As I said in myv earlier post, it is nice to have QSO Parties with different 
rules and one can choose to operate those with rules they like and not operate 
those with rules they don’t like. - Duffey KK6MC

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