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Re: [CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted

To: CQ Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted
From: Yuri Blanarovich <k3bu@optimum.net>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 11:24:02 -0500 (EST)
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Even with all single ops in one category, each person has the option to operate however they wish. My original point was that ham radio in the last
15 years has embraced the DX Cluster as a normal tool for DXing and
operating.  Perhaps contesting should start to accept that.

Randy, K5ZD

If one is serious about the competition, sailboats, nascar, fishing.....
There are rules, there are judges to keep competition honest within rules, so competitors can compare their skills and see where they stand compared to rest. There are those who are honest and there are "Armstrongs" who would do anything to gain the edge, even if it violates the rules. Some are happy with cheating and crutches, some stick to the rules and might get beaten by cheaters.
To me contesting was me, my equipment and my operating skills.
If one is serious about contesting and wants to place in the top listings, one needs to build the competitive station (in Af, SA :-) and apply skills honed over the years.
Casual operators can have fun doing whatever pleases them (and defend 
"whatever it takes").
When we "accept" bluring the rules, then the competition loses the 
Speaking of DXing, I stopped chasing DX after repeaters and packet 
crutches made it "sport" of shooting animals in the ZOO.
DXCC standing has no meaning anymore for me, "normal" tool spoiled it.

Similar trend seems to be happening in contesting. Skimmer, cluster, internet, remotes are being "embraced" as a tools (crutches). Engines are being put on sail boats in sail boat category and we are to embrace it because it is the thing?
I enjoyed the past years when it was me, my call, my antennas and 
equipment, knowledge acquired (propagation, equipment, operating) and 
scores and records had meaning. Now it seems that we are to accept and 
embrace crutches and perhaps welcome "Andersons" as norm. Looks like 
another segment of ham radio is being spoiled and devalued and is losing 
appeal to those who enjoyed played by the rules is their categories.
Thanks to those trying to keep the contesting clean by log checking etc.

YMMV, enjoy it, I will spend more time with grand kids or play games where the rules are more adhered to.
73 Yuri K3BU.us, etc.

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