Thanks God there's people that not think the same, so CW is still alive. If
we continue on this way CW will dead..... when?
The best rule will be "NO RULE". Do what you want! At least CC donĀ“t have
the time, staff or the desire to look for irregularities to all the people,
at least for the "mortals".
Nice I am on holidays and have time to read mails about "rules", sometimes
ago I stopped believing in contest rules :-)
-----Mensaje original-----
De: CQ-Contest [] En nombre de
Marijan Miletic, S56A
Enviado el: lunes, 28 de enero de 2013 12:10
Asunto: Re: [CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted
I am delighted to learn that I was operating "normal" according to EI5DI in
this CQ WW 160 m CW weekend from Kosovo, Z6!
I went to very isolated place by Batlava lake with a single WiFi secured
access point. No password so no intenet assistance.
TS-480 needs positive voltage at CAT RTS which I use for PTT. There is +
output on only two connectors: mike and tuner.
It takes a long wire across the radio box to bring it to CAT DB9 and
eventually I made a short blowing internal tuner fuse.
No DX spots and now not even self spots of stations worked on my local band
map. I could have entered each QRA by myself!
I felt "blind" turning main VFO knob from 1810 to 1900 kHz while EI5DI calls
it fun? It was in my early days when VFO dial was not even calibrated!
Randy, beware that DX Cluster is quarter of century with us! Some try to
preserve old Morse code ignoring technology progress which improves it.
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