[Skimmertalk] Question about posting to the DXWatch RBN using 'agreggator'

KD7YZ Bob kd7yz at denstarfarm.us
Wed Dec 5 13:13:01 EST 2012

Howdy CW Skimmer people:
I have benn using CWSkimmer, Agreggator and skimmer-to-Commander for a
short while. However, I haven't had much luck posting the results

As one of many, many examples:
KD7YZ de SKIMMER 2012-12-05 16:13Z CwSkimmer >
DX de KD7YZ-#:       1.9  K7TM           10 dB  24 WPM  CQ   1613Z      1.9  CQ NVHF  Excl NNotc

Although I never see this posted.

And, every single time I lok on RBN, my call is listed as "kd7yz- "
without the band I am on, in this case it was 30m .

Tomorrow my new SDR-IQ arrives and I am anxious to use it alone and with
my K3. The computer is core2-duo at 2.66 and 4gb mem. Win7-64bit fwiw.

Can somebody suggest how I configure the three programs to get reports



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