KK6MC wrote:
> What is really bad is:
> QRZ?
> WW1M
> WW1M dm65
> roger fn43
> roger QRZ?
> Which is heard more on HF contests than on VHF. - Duffey
It can be argued that the FCC only wants ID every 10 minutes as long as you
don't change frequency. It's all a matter of speed when the band is open. YOU
as the operator need to decide how many time you give your call. As you go
more Q's between signing you will start to loose guys off your pile-up who
don't want to wait -or- you will begin to work dupes. However, if you start a
monologue and slow down, guys frantically tuning for new stations MAY not wait
around for you. In the example above, did the station worked ask for your call
? If not, he already knew it and repeating it would be wasted time. YOU
control the pile - what works for you ?
I routinely run for periods at over 200/hr on 6 during a good June E opening.
I usually break 300/hr for short periods if things are real hot. I have done
well over 400/hr (the WHOLE hour, not short spurts) on HF. You really need to
optimize your TX time to do this, even the number of syllables you say (ever
hear of the FI-NI trick ??) - giving your call multiple times each Q will kill
this kind of rate dead.
Jay W9RM
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