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Re: [TowerTalk] Field Strength comparison

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Field Strength comparison
From: "Lux, Jim" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 18:32:09 -0700
List-post: <>
On 9/4/21 6:02 PM, Stan Stockton wrote:
I’m missing something.  How do I get 180 out of 2 * 900/80?

Thanks, Jim.


Sent from my iPhone
You're right.. brain freeze. But 22.5 meters seems awfully close.   2 
D^2/lambda is the equation - 2 * 30*30/80 = 1800/80 = 22.5 meters
Granted that's for "directive antennas" - Something weird (maybe it's 
invalid for antennas that are "smaller than a wavelength") -

On Sep 4, 2021, at 7:30 PM, Stan Stockton <> wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lux, Jim" <>
Date: September 4, 2021 at 5:58:44 PM CDT
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Field Strength comparison

On 9/4/21 3:36 PM, Stan Stockton wrote:
How far away (minimum) should a receive antenna be located if you wanted to accurately 
measure the difference between a couple of vertical arrays - let’s say, for 
example a 4 Square and a single vertical.

Thanks… Stan, K5GO
The traditional guide line for antenna ranges is 2 D^2/lambda, where D is the 
diameter of the antenna.  That has to do with the phase difference from a plane 
wave being small enough that the gain isn't significantly wrong (I can't 
remember if it's 0.1 dB or what, and I'm too lazy to calculate it now).

For a 80 m foursquare, it's roughly 30 meters across (1.414 * 20m) so 2 * 
900/80 = 180 meters away


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