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Re: [TowerTalk] OptiBeam OB2-40M

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] OptiBeam OB2-40M
Date: Fri, 21 May 2021 13:01:01 -0500
List-post: <>
The OptiBeam OB2-40M appears to be a true Moxon. A Moxon, named after G6XN, is a rectangle where half the rectangle is the driven element and the other half is the reflector. To my knowledge JK does not call their T shaped element a Moxon.
John KK9A

Ignacy NO9E wrote:

OB40-M weighs 35 kg (77 lb) and by specs it covers all of 40m with SWR < 2.
A shortened Moxon from JK Antennas: JK 402-Piccolo with coils weighs 88 lb
and covers only 250 KHz. A full size Moxon JK420T weighs 125 lb and covers
all of 40m. Both antennas have 100 mph ratings.
Judging by the size, OB40-M uses coils but has higher bandwidth than the
equivalent JK. Not sure why.
OB2-40m is about $2100 from DX Engineering and JK 402 Piccolo
around $1700.
Ignacy NO9E


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