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Re: [TowerTalk] HyGain HDR300 removal stalled due to stuck setscrew

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HyGain HDR300 removal stalled due to stuck setscrew
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 07:21:28 -0500
List-post: <>
I had two HDR-300's in the 1980's and they both required frequent repairs. I do not remember the set screw that you're referring to. I assume that corrosion has locked it in position. If it is really an Allen set screw is should be easy to start with a drill bit that fits inside the socket and then go go larger until it is free. Try not to exceed the minor diameter of the thread if you wish to reuse the platform. Hopefully you have straight access to this area and a good cordless drill.
John KK9A

al.n6ta wrote:

I need to remove my old HyGain HDR300 rotator from the Rohn 45 shelf.  I
bought something new.  Stuck hardware is keeping me from getting it down.  I
may need to drill out a setscrew.  If you are interested, read on.

The rotor shaft is attached to the 'platform' to which the mast clamps
mount.  The rotator cannot be taken from the tower if the platform cannot be
removed to allow the motor's shaft to drop back through the shelf hole.  The
motor mounts below the shelf and the platform above the shelf.  The mast is
not putting any weight on the platform/shaft now.  The clamps are sloppy
loose and will come off.  Not the platform.

The platform is held to the shaft with a key and a setscrew  The setscrew is
orthogonal to the shaft.  It is a 1/4x20 screw that should take a 1/8' hex
key.  The screw looks like stainless since it is shiny.  I have sprayed it
with WD40 and that did not help.  I sprayed it good with BP Blaster and let
it sit a few minutes while up the tower.  Still not loose.  Now, the hex key
seems to be 'rolling' its edges.  'Slipping' in the setscrew hex hole.  I'd
like to think if I get a new Allen wrench of high quality, it will work.  I
will try. But no way to know if the screw is also compromised and no longer
having a good hex hole.  Looking at it from 6" away without the 'good

So, if I had to drill out this screw or take some unusual measures, does
anyone know how to do it?  Like, start with what size drill and move to what
next size, etc.  Drill inside the hole in the screw or start bigger and
outside the hex hole.  Or, grab the platform with a come along and try to
pull it off?  I will be doing this from above and prefer to know what I am
doing before fumbling more than I have already.  I doubt I can remove the
shelf with rotator/platform attached due to its size.  I have not tried that

Anybody out there that has had to deal with a similar problem?

It's always the easy things that curse at me when I start the job..

TNX de Al-N6TA


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