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Re: [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 11:00:20 -0700
List-post: <">>
Well, the comparison made by K7LXC was to the standard Trylon ... the 
one mentioned in his post where he said N9WX was "lucky not to have 
bought a HD-70".  The standard Titan series is the only one I could find 
on his Champion Radio website.   Possibly Steve carries the Super Titan 
as well, but I didn't find it there ... only on the manufacturer's site.
The only listed prices I can see are $3,770 for the Trylon T500-72 and 
$$4,080 for the HD-70.  If those indeed are the current prices that's an 
8% difference for what you admit is a "way stronger" tower.
I'm not knocking Trylon towers.  They are solid towers and LOTS of hams 
have them with no issues.  But the HD-70 is indeed considerably stronger 
than the T500-72 and after seeing what the winds do here at my QTH I am 
grateful I had the good sense to buy one.  Whether N9WX needed one or 
not is his call.
Dave   AB7E

On 1/12/2016 9:37 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 23:23:38 -0700
From: David Gilbert <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?

I have an HD-70 and wouldn't buy anything else, given the wind gusts I
get here on this hillside.  The Trylon towers are a good value
(performance versus cost), but they aren't are strong as the AN Wireless
products.  The AN Wireless web  site used to have a pdf file from a
structural engineer comparing the two, and although the comparison was
funded by AN Wireless it's pretty hard to dispute the data.  I don't
know if the file is still there, but I have a copy if you want it.

And yes, the almost 20m cubic yards of concrete that went into my tower
base may be overkill, but I've been at the top of the tower in 60+ mph
wind gusts with two Optibeam antennas on it and barely felt it move ...
and I would know because I'm fundamentally acrophobic. The cost of
whatever extra concrete there may have been was a small portion of the
total cost (tower plus rotator plus antennas plus shipping) anyway.

Dave   AB7E

## The trylon  super titan series of towers are every bit as strong as the an 
And both the super titan and an wireless are way stronger than the plane jane 
titan tower.   Any analysis of  an an wireless and the light duty titan is 
misleading at best,
its an apples to oranges comparison.    U can now also buy the welded version 
of the super titan.
They also make a super max version of the  super 19 ft sections..and 
up to 250 ft tall.

##  The 70 ft trylon super titan will handle loads of 1 inch of 
ice.  Both are good towers.

Jim    VE7RF


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