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Re: [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 23:23:38 -0700
List-post: <">>

I have an HD-70 and wouldn't buy anything else, given the wind gusts I get here on this hillside. The Trylon towers are a good value (performance versus cost), but they aren't are strong as the AN Wireless products. The AN Wireless web site used to have a pdf file from a structural engineer comparing the two, and although the comparison was funded by AN Wireless it's pretty hard to dispute the data. I don't know if the file is still there, but I have a copy if you want it.
And yes, the almost 20m cubic yards of concrete that went into my tower 
base may be overkill, but I've been at the top of the tower in 60+ mph 
wind gusts with two Optibeam antennas on it and barely felt it move ... 
and I would know because I'm fundamentally acrophobic. The cost of 
whatever extra concrete there may have been was a small portion of the 
total cost (tower plus rotator plus antennas plus shipping) anyway.
Dave   AB7E

p.s. You can see pictures of my tower assembly and installation beginning at

On 1/11/2016 8:02 AM, Daniel Hileman wrote:
Hi All. I am going with the AN WIreless HD-70. After some confusion, I found 
out they are indeed in business, still making some monster towers!
Thanks for all replies!

Dan N9WX

Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 13:29:44 -0500
Subject: Re:  [TowerTalk] Heavy duty free-standing tower options?

  Happy New Year!  I have an Optibeam OB 13-6 yagi. I
was originally going to purchase an AN Wireless Heavy duty
tower, however, they seem to be having some trouble, and their
it down, and the dealers can not sell any currently. I know of the

Trylon tower, but wondering of other 70-90' free-standing towers that

can handle 30+ sq foot of windload at 70-80 mph.  I am looking to spend

in $5K +- range for a tower, I will spend a more, but that's kinda
I want to be price wise. I was told to check out the the Rohn SSV, but

the specs I have found are no where near that windload
Need your input!
Howdy -- For starters you're lucky you didn't buy the AN
Wireless tower. The one I installed used a really stupid base design that
resulted in the concrete cost being 2.5X the cost for a comparable tower.
Why? Got no idea - a waste of time and money IMO.
It looks like Grayson County is a 70 MPH windspeed
zone so that's no big deal unless you want to build to tornado-type specs.

I'm a dealer for Trylon towers and have installed a
bunch of them over the years. The most popular ham configuration is the T500-72
which will handle approximately 45 sq.ft. @ 70 MPH so should be plenty for your
proposed installation. The current price is $4135 and the shipping is $901.00.
There might be sales tax as well.
Anyway this fits your criteria and is in stock. I'd
be happy to pass along all my tricks of the trade to help with your
installation. BTW I'm in the middle of a 2-Titan tower project in Wills Point.
We've been waiting for the ground to dry out for months now.
Let me know if you have any more questions. Cheers,
Steve      K7LXC
Professional tower services for amateurs
Cell: 206-890-4188

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