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Re: [TowerTalk] Cage dipole revisited.

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cage dipole revisited.
From: Rick Stealey <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 13:09:28 +0000
List-post: <">>
> Why introduce this into this thread? The models you mention do not resemble 
> the Cage dipole, so why?

Hi Bill,
I don't agree.  In fact I believe the models I built DO STRONGLY resemble a 
give the same benefit, without the physical difficulties of building a 
traditional cage.
What is a traditional cage but several parallel wires, fed at the same point?
They may be connected together at the far end, but that's not really necessary
since the voltage there is the same for each element of the cage, so the
individual wires can be separated with no effect on the antenna.
An antenna experimenter may start with a single wire dipole, then add one wire
in parallel with it, then additional ones to build a cage.  Or (as I 
discovered) take 
the second wire and drop it down at a 10 degree angle and get nearly the same 
result.  My 2nd model was three wires separated 1 meter apart, but I 
confess were not joined at the far end.  However I believe that is a very 
strong resemblance to a traditional cage.
Maybe I should put in my post with a different subject so those who are 
interested in discussing pure, 100 % tradional cage antennas, wouldn't be 
tainted by considering alternatives.  
But for those who would like to have 
 - an antenna that covers 3500 to 3800 with a 2:1 SWR, 
 - with extremely low cost and 
 - less than an hours work, and 
 - always wanted to have a cage, 
Then here it is.  

By the way, I happen to be one of those guys, like you, who hate to 
see off topic posts.  In this case however, I believe my post was right
on-topic.  However I am going to do as I mentioned above and start a 
new thread, and invite anyone who wants to comment on or contribute to 
cage antenna alternatives to participate there.

Rick  K2XT

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