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Re: Topband: Unsubscribing

Subject: Re: Topband: Unsubscribing
From: William Cromwell <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2021 18:35:59 -0400
List-post: <>
Hi Greg,

My best wishes for you and your wife in your relocation. My wife and I have been through several different upheavals and we just decided those marked the beginnings of "Bill and Carolyn's New Adventures".
I wonder if you might use some of that gear for amateur satellite 
operation. That might contribute to your radio satisfaction. I am going 
to give that a try here.

Bill KU8H

bark less - wag more

On 9/17/21 5:52 PM, Greg - ZL3IX wrote:
Hi all,

It is with some sadness that I have to tell you that this will be my last post on Topband, after a presence of 24 years, including my activity as ZS5K.
My wife and I are relocating back to ZS1 so that she can be with her 
young family, and we are unlikely to be moving into a property from 
which Topband operations will be a pleasure. I have had 17 great years 
enjoying a good station with dedicated Rx antennas, and know that I 
would be frustrated with 'city lot' type operations.
Instead I am in the process of constructing microwave equipment, and 
have already had my first QSOs on 23 cm and 3 cm. I'm hoping that 
enjoyment of the weak signal propagation modes on those bands will 
replace the pleasure I've been fortunate enough to have operating on 
160 m.
Thank you all for the great QSOs and good luck with your activities on 
the Gentlemen's Band.
73, Greg, ZL3IX, G3ZZI, ex ZS5K
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