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Re: Topband: 12V through coax

Subject: Re: Topband: 12V through coax
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2019 16:55:52 +0000
List-post: <>
For my relay reversible DHDL's used on 160 & 80m, I'm using 0.1uf 500v DC blocking capacitors, particularly the Kemet X7R MLCC SMD ones. digikey 399-6747-1-nd There are enough parts for reversibility that I designed a small PCB with ExpressPCB so SMD parts made sense.
The RFC inductor choice depends on the current draw, for my design, all 
in was 92ma so a ferrite core design with a saturation current (10% 
reduction in L) of 120ma was ok at 450uH and an SRF of 4.5MHz.  From 
Wurth, SMD again. digikey 732-10766-1-ND
Automotive grade thick film 1/2 and 1w SMD resistors have very high 
surge ratings so are what I used for terminators.  If you have some old 
A-B carbon ones in your stash, they are a good choice.
These parts worked well at H40TT on two DHDLs and we had some T-storms 
nearby without damage.
Grant KZ1W

On 12/7/2019 20:59, tony.kaz--- via Topband wrote:
I am making up new boxes for my Pennants. I will be switching directions
with a relay in the box besides the terminating resistor and the choke.
My question is what are the correct values of the components for feeding the
12V? I will be  using this only on 160 and 80M.
For the coupling cap between the rig and antenna I have seen values from
.01-.1uf. For the choke I have seen values from 100 uhy - 4.7 mh. On the 12V
feed side I have seen values from .01 - .1 ufd.
Is there a rule of thumb for the range of correct values for 80 and 160M?
N2TK, Tony

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