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Re: Topband: Circle arrays

To: David Olean <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Circle arrays
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 19:10:17 -0600
List-post: <>
Greetings Jacques!

As you know I have several years experience with vertical arrays here at W5ZN using all three of the current popular versions on 160, the BSEF-8, HiZ-8 and the YCCC-9. They all work well and all have their own unique characteristics. Having been to your QTH I know you have a great location so the first question anyone must ask when contemplating a vertical array is how much room can I allocate to the array. That question is obvious because the BSEF 8 vertical array requires a 350 ft diameter circle, the Hiz-8 160 needs 200 ft and the YCCC-9 needs about 120-140 ft. For the last two "active" arrays you will also need to consider any adjacent objects that could interfere. The BSEF passive array can sit in the woods or partially in a wooded area without any, or very little impact.

If you have a 180 ft diameter area available I would try to squeeze out another 20 ft or so and go with a HiZ-8 160. The performance will be exceptional.

I wrote a paper a couple of years ago comparing the BSEF-8 and the HiZ-8 on 160 meters. I had just installed the YCCC-9 and just mentioned it as I only had a couple of month of data from it to compare. I really need to update that paper as I have two more years of comparison data now, Lee has made some nice improvements to the HiZ system and I also did some additional component tweaking on the BSEF array. I need to get that updated this winter.

GL with the project Dave.

73 Joel W5ZN
Your Margarita buddy!!!!  :-))

On 2019-10-14 08:34, David Olean wrote:
I am pondering an eight circle array.  At present my only ham band
that I am QRV on is 160 meters. A few years ago I had 28 thru 24 GHz
all percolating, but the maintenance was killing me. i was a slave to
the station. Now I am having fun! Rather than tweaking with noise
figure meters and VNAs, I now do all my work with wrenches and

There are several choices for 8 circle arrays.  My question is how
much benefit would I get from the single band version as opposed to a
dual or three band choice?  Reading the hype is always fraught with
danger.  Practical experience is always better.  My thinking is that
if there is a distinct advantage, I would go with a 160 only setup and
forego the other bands.  I can carve out a 200 ft circle with a little
chainsaw action. I have about 180 ft of field available now, so can
get the room with not too much trouble.

I also better hook up my 160 transceiver quick. It is still packed
away from Field Day!!


Dave K1WHS

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