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Re: Topband: Summer Update & a Surprise

Subject: Re: Topband: Summer Update & a Surprise
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:30:27 -0600
List-post: <>
Same thing was said about SSB.

The sky is not falling.

K1JT might have saved Ham Radio.  Seems to be quite popular.  60 plus percent of all LOTW confirms are FT-X now....Speaks volumes.
There is room for CW, SSB, FT-X on topband and all bands.

Criticizing people playing radio seems unproductive.


On 7/31/2019 3:16 PM, Hans Hjelmström wrote:
UNFORTUNATELY  K1JT  and FT 8  killed amateur radio on 6 meters.
It will kill it on 160 meters,and SOON it will kill all amateur radio activity 
on all bands.

Soon authorities will reduce our bands,as we do not use these frequencies any 

SORRY its all gone from enjoy ,challenge and efforts to a computer fake game.

CW will be unknown in 20 years,as most of elder Hams are SK ,and newcomers do 
not need it.

SAD and unfortunately facts.

Kind regards  ( still refuse FT 8  ,and will never use it)

31 jul 2019 kl. 18:39 skrev

Interesting observations Jeff.  I will remain on 160 CW as I have in years 
past.  I enjoy the visceral satisfaction that comes with pulling out the weak 
signals and having direct, unencumbered interaction with the station to which 
I'm communicating. . .or trying. . .hi.  CW is still great fun.

73. . . Dave, W0FLS

-----Original Message----- From: k1zm--- via Topband
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:20 AM
Subject: Topband: Summer Update & a Surprise

Hi Gang

It is mid summer here and E season on 6M has been fun to play with while 160m 
is pretty S L O W as it usually is.
On these pages there has been alot of chatter regarding FT8 - (which basically 
took over 6M DX'ing starting in July 2917 - all DX is now on 50.313 FT8 - which 
is why I had to adopt this mode in order to continue DX'ing on 6m).  It was 
either do that or give up operating on 6M during E season.
I do hope that CW continues to thrive on Topband - but this past season there 
was TONS of DX on FT8 and in my opinion LESS DX on CW than in prior years.   It 
is quite possible to work in JA on 160m from here on FT8 with 100w out - which 
would have been quite rare indeed on CW as I recall (I do not think I ever 
worked JA with 100w from here - but who knows?)
Today as I write this - I am listening to 28.074Mhz on a totally DEAD 10m band. 
 If I tune the entire CW portion and the whole SSB portion, there is NOTHING - 
repeat NOTHING there - no signals whatsoever to be found.
Yet on 28.074Mhz - I just worked a whole page of Europeans on FT8 - to my 
almost total INCREDULITY!!
I am not sure how I feel about all of this - but one thing is SURE - the DX 
world has changed - and there is no looking back.
I love CW on Topband and used to love CW on 6m - but that no longer xists  -so 
I do hope the 6m migration to FT8 does not repeat itself on Topband!
To all a good summer and CU on CW again starting in September.


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